Dandruff has become such a nuisance, and judging from the endless number of television commercials advertising anti-dandruff shampoos, it can be considered to be the top priority in hair care. Indeed it is very hard to find anyone who has not suffered from dandruff. No doubt it’s an embarrassment to have the hair covered with white flakes, but other than just embarrassment, dandruff also leads to other complications like severe itching of the scalp. One thing to remember is that the main cause of dandruff is the fungus called malassezia. Scalp is the most favorite environment of this fungus, where it feeds on oil secretions, thereby causing the white flakes that are the most visible sign of dandruff. The growth of this fungus can go out of control as a result of dry scalp or lack of hygiene. So, the first and foremost thing that needs to be done is to keep the scalp clean and prevent it from drying. Once that is assured, you can go for different remedies to control dandruff. Remember that relying solely on commercial anti-dandruff shampoos won’t help you in controlling it. You should adopt various other methods that concentrate on the root of the problem. In this way, you will have more success in controlling dandruff. Read further to know more on how you can go about it.

Image: Official U.S. Navy Imagery@flickr
Tips For Controlling Dandruff
Massage the scalp lightly with hot coconut, almond or olive oil. After massaging, leave the oil on the scalp overnight. In the morning, apply the juice of one lemon in the scalp and then rinse thoroughly with a shampoo. This is very effective in getting rid of the white scales.
A very effective dandruff control method is to apply henna on the hair. Mix the henna powder with lemon, curd and egg white and apply it on the hair. Leave it until it dries completely and then wash the hair thoroughly.
Mix your shampoo with baking soda and apply it on the scalp. Leave it for some time and then rinse.
Applying curd onto your hair is also an effective way to get rid of the white flakes forever. For this, take a bowl of curd, depending upon the length of your hair and apply the same to your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes. Wash the hair with shampoo.
Massage the scalp with apple cider vinegar and leave it for some time to dry. Then wash the hair thoroughly. Do this for at least a week until the dandruff disappears.
Witch hazel is an excellent ingredient to curb dandruff. Soak a ball of cotton with an extract of witch hazel and then dab it on the hair. Do this every three days for about a week. You can also wash your hair with the witch hazel.
Apply aloe vera gel on your scalp and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash the hair with a shampoo. Do this every day to keep the dandruff at bay.
Take two aspirins and crush them to powder. Mix the powder with the shampoo and then apply it on the hair. Massage the scalp for two minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
In a bowl take six spoonfuls of water, two spoonfuls of vinegar and mix. Soak a cotton ball in it. Dab the scalp with this mixture and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the hair with shampoo. Thereafter, rinse the hair with vinegar water. Do this for three months at least once a week and you can effectively bring the dandruff under control.
Massage the scalp with a mixture of two spoons of vinegar and a spoon of lime juice. You can also add an egg white to the scalp. Then rinse the scalp and hair with the shampoo.