The ‘New Year’ is around the corner and so are the parties, and what better color to wear for a party than black. Women can wear the little black dress, an all time favorite, and men can probably wear a black shirt pair with a coinciding pant for almost any party they plan to attend. However, the right to wear black only comes with a license; think on the lines of the advertising efforts of a well-to-do shampoo brand. The license basically stands to certify that you are free of dandruff, or that there may not be a million ‘specks of white’ on your ‘little black dress’ or your black shirt. If dandruff, however, is an issue for you and despite trying a thousand random things it refuses to bid farewell to your follicles, don’t fret, for help has finally arrived. Read on for three extremely beneficial natural dandruff shampoo recipes. These shampoos, provided you learn to capitalize on their advantages, are almost guaranteed to lead you on to a future completely free of dandruff.

Image: The Style PA@flickr
Natural Dandruff Shampoo Recipes
Oil Dandruff Shampoo
You Will Need
10 drops Birch Essential Oil
10 drops Cedar Essential Oil
20 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
40 drops Lavender Essential Oil
8 ounces Dandruff Shampoo
Even before beginning with the process of preparing the shampoo, you will have to take necessary precautions to ensure that only real oils are allowed. For a natural dandruff shampoo, synthetic oils are simply not allowed.
Get yourself a medium sized bowl and pour in all the oils. Take extra care to not spill the oils. Mix the oils with a spatula or a wooden spoon.
Once you are done with mixing the oils, carefully and with a steady hand pour the oils into the shampoo bottle that should contain eight ounces of the shampoo. Shake the shampoo bottle vigorously or until you’re sure that all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Use the shampoo on your hair twice or thrice every week.
Rosemary Dandruff Shampoo
You Will Need
A cup of Water
2 tbsp Rosemary
2 tbsp Coconut Flakes
2 tbsp Fresh Thyme
2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 tbsp liquid Castile Soap
1 tsp light Vegetable Oil
Pour water in a stainless steel container and heat over a gentle flame. As soon as the water boils, add coconut flakes to it. You can also add the thyme and the rosemary.
Boil the water for twenty minutes or so and allow it to cool until it gets back down to room temperature. Proceed to drain the water. Shift the ingredients that remain to a separate bowl.
To this separate bowl add the vegetable oil, castile soap and apple cider vinegar. Mix thoroughly. The shampoo is ready. All you need to do is transfer it to an airtight container. Store the shampoo at room temperature and use as and when desired.
Rum Extract Dandruff Shampoo
You Will Need
You can begin putting this shampoo together by blending in a blender the apple cider vinegar and the commercial shampoo. The commercial shampoo can be a shampoo of your choice.
Once done with the blending you can add the apple juice, ground cloves and the rum extract. At low speed blend these ingredients for around thirty seconds or until you know for sure all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Your shampoo is ready. Pour the contents of the blender into an air tight container and store in the refrigerator. You can use this shampoo for a maximum period of three days.