Anything from a day out in the scalding hot sun to oily skin to cosmetic annoyance can overtax your pores and get the oils to pool up and stretch up to your stomata. Result? whiteheads, blackheads, unsightly blemishes, zits and horrid looking pores! It doesn’t really matter how much light-reflecting lotions you dab, it is quite impossible to cover up the facial flaws and make your skin look totally poreless. To prevent dirt, dust, oil and bacteria from building up on your dermis, all you need is a carefully planned beauty regimen to beat your skin blues. If you simply loathe the sight of large pores on your skin, the best thing you can do is to stop picking on your whiteheads and blackheads, as doing so can stretch the skin, resulting in enlarged pores. Another thumb rule to remember is to cleanse your face as many times as you can and seal it with a toner. To cut the long story short, religious skin care is the only way to block large pores from burgeoning on your skin. If you have been taxed by unsightly blemishes and overactive pores on your skin, then reading this article on how to get rid of pores should solve your misery.

Image: estelabelleza@flickr
Whether you have blackheads, monster-zits or your pores look freakishly huge, cleansing your face every night before you hit the sack can be a face-saver for you. Whether you are pulling a late night at office, or partying past bedtime, just make sure you whisk off every trace of grime, oil and the day’s dirt from your skin before you nod off, to save your face from breakouts and blocked pores. Grab a multipurpose cleanser and smear it all over your face using a moist cotton ball. Steam your face for a while and slab some facial scrub to doff off the dead skin. Rinse your face with warm water, pat dry your skin and apply a toner to close the pores. Complete your beauty ritual with a generous dollop of moisturizer.
Is your face bombed with acne, zits and hideous blemishes? Try this face pack and get your overtaxed pores to relax. Grab some almonds from your kitchen rack and dunk them in water. Allow them to soak overnight and grind them into a smooth paste the next morning. Using a brush, apply the almond paste all over your face. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse your face off with lukewarm water. Pat your skin dry and dab some apple cider vinegar mixed in water or a good toner. Use this pack everyday for best results.
Running around barefoot and plunging in the pool can be great fun, only if you don’t have to worry about your zit-blasted legs, or the huge pores on it. To fix up your woe, just take seven to eight teaspoons of ‘rhassoul clay’ and squeeze half a lemon into it. Add aloe vera juice and green tea to it and whisk it into a smooth paste. Slather it generously over your legs and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with tepid water.
Clogged pores are no happy sight! To do away with this beauty bane, just steam your face regularly for five minutes every day and feel the difference. Steam your face and then dab some lemon juice and pineapple juice on your skin. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off using cold water. Steaming is likely to get the gunk out of your skin, leaving it looking fresh and beautiful.
If you are always on the go and barely find any time to indulge into a beauty regimen, then trying this fast fix should leave you with glowing and clean skin. Grab some ice cubes from the fridge and rub them on your face every time you cleanse your skin. You can also dip a napkin in ice-cold water and apply it on your skin to shrink the pores and experience smooth skin.