Amongst all the factors that affect and enhance our overall appearance, our hair deems to be the most dominant factor. And hence, everyone longs for healthy, shiny, and strong tresses with a nice volume. However, this becomes seemingly impossible, thanks to the amount of hair fall that we notice on our pillows every morning. So, you have been having several sleepless nights, all thanks to your thinning crown. But, this is the last thing that you should probably do as sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of hair loss. Surprised or shocked? Indeed both, right? And we are sure you must have not left any chemical treatment or product available in the market to impede that receding hairline. But, how effective have they been? Guess not majorly, but they sure must have burnt huge holes in your pockets. Give all the readymade treatments some relief and switch on to natural and homemade remedies. Take a look at them in the following lines and be ready to flaunt you thick, shiny, silky, and healthy looks.

Natural Hair Loss Remedies
Healthy Diet
Your health reflects what you eat. And so does your hair. The healthier you eat, the better will your hair be. Hence, it is important to eat foods that are healthy and nutritious. Consume food items rich in vitamins A, E, and B6, iron, and folic acid on a daily basis to stop hair loss and promote re-growth. Hair is made up of the protein called keratin. Hence, it is recommended to include protein-rich food to prevent hair fall. Including milk and milk products, fish, meat, soybean, spinach, etc. are also good options.
Massaging your scalp is, indeed, one of the best remedies to control hair fall and encourage growth. Add 60 g of henna leaves to one cup of mustard oil and boil the concoction. Cool and store the oil in a bottle. Whenever possible, apply this oil to your scalp and hair, the night before you intend to have a head bath. You will see you hair fall reducing in a couple of days.
Castor Oil
Another effective remedy is castor oil. Gently warm castor oil and massage your scalp on alternate days. A sure-shot method for reducing hair fall and promoting natural hair growth!
Coconut Oil
Amongst all the oil remedies for fighting against hair fall, coconut oil proves to be the most effective one. Not only does it prevent hair loss, it enhances growth of new hair and strengthens your tresses. Boil ½ cup of coconut oil with some dry pieces of gooseberries. Cool the solution and apply to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for about 2-3 hours and rinse off with your regular shampoo.
Lemon Juice
A rich source of vitamin C, lemon is efficient for curing hair problems, such as dandruff, and itchiness. In turn, these problems, when cured, help in reducing hair fall effectively. Gooseberry oil, almond oil, and olive oil work similar to lemon, due to their richness in vitamin C. Apart from working against hair fall, they work towards regaining the strength, shine, and volume of your hair that has been lost due to excessive use of chemicals and exposure to harmful elements.
Olive Oil
Olive oil proves to be another successful remedy for treating hair loss. Combine 2-3 tablespoons each of olive oil and rosemary with juice of 1 lemon and 1 egg yolk. Mix well and apply to the hair roots. Massage for about half an hour and leave the mixture for drying. Thereafter, rinse off the mixture thoroughly with water.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds work wonders for your hair and hence, are used in multiple ways to treat hair loss. Grind some seeds in water to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste on your oiled hair and leave it on for about 1-1½ hours. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a week and see your hair regain its strength thereafter. Alternately, you can soak some fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water overnight. Massage the water into your scalp and wrap your head with a towel for at least 3 hours. Rinse off henceforth. Follow this procedure for a month to produce strong and healthy hair.