Those who are afflicted with this flaky condition tend to treat dandruff as a veritable curse. And indeed if proper care is not taken, dandruff can become a curse, what with itching scalp and falling hair, the two most common effects of dandruff. Dandruff affects almost everyone, without any exception. Contrary to the popular belief, the problem is not in the hair; but in the skin. The exact cause of dandruff is still unknown though there are a host of theories which may or may not have any basis. The most common theories on why dandruff occurs has been attributed to stress, heredity, hormonal imbalance or even premature shedding of skin as a result of the body’s overactive oil glands. Whatever may be the cause, dandruff should be treated quickly so that it doesn’t become a source of embarrassment and discomfort. The problem of dandruff has become so huge that an entire category of hair care products have been launched for its treatment. The best however, are the natural remedies, as they are far more effective in treating and controlling this problem. In the article given below are a number of methods that can help you in treating dandruff.

Image: quinn.anya@flickr
Make a paste with fuller’s earth and a little bit of water. Apply this paste onto your scalp and leave it for ten minutes to dry. Thereafter, scrub the paste from the scalp and rinse.
Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and then crush them to a paste. Boil a small bowl of Bengal gram and then grind it to a paste. Add two teaspoons of the soaked fenugreek paste to the Bengal gram paste and mix thoroughly. Apply this paste on the scalp and rinse thoroughly after 10 to 15 minutes.
Neem juice is also an excellent way to clean the scalp and hair. Grind neem leaves in a food processer and extract the juice. Wash your hair and scalp with this juice. This would keep the dandruff at bay. You can also boil neem leaves in water and use that water to wash the hair. This is also very effective in dandruff treatment.
Go for a hot oil therapy to treat dandruff. Heat coconut oil or almond oil and apply it on the scalp before going to bed. In the morning, mix cosmetic vinegar with the juice of a lemon and soak a cotton ball in it. Dab the scalp with the cotton. Then wash the hair thoroughly with an egg shampoo. Do this at least twice a week for a period of three months.
Mix a few drops of tea-tree oil with your shampoo and then wash your hair with it. Tea-tree is a natural antiseptic and so it helps a great deal in treating dandruff.
Take half a cup of grapeseed oil in a bowl and add two tablespoons of cornmeal and one tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Mix well. Then, rinse the hair with warm water and apply the oil mixture on the scalp with the finger tips. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash with a shampoo.
Mix one part of vinegar with one part of lime juice. Massage the scalp with this mixture. After ten minutes, wash the hair with an egg shampoo.
At least three times a week, massage the scalp with warm coconut oil. Allow it to remain for half an hour and then wash thoroughly.