Are you losing sleep over your receding hairline? Are clumps of hair on your hairbrush freaking you out? Stress, pollution, sickness, unhealthy lifestyle and poor dietary habits can be used to explain sudden hair loss or baldness. However, at times, your receding hairline can indicate towards more serious medical complications as well, like alopecia areata, trichotillomania and so on. If you are having unexplained hair loss and are not sure of what is triggering the condition, talking to your doctor might help. Hair loss or alopecia is one of the most troubling and frustrating experiences. It is also a common woe amongst both the sexes and nearly all of us have lived through it at some point of time in our lives. Our hair undeniably, makes for our beauty quotient, adding extra appeal to our persona. Needless to say, losing hair is never a good feeling. However, most often this problem can be resolved with some simple hair growth therapies and a healthy lifestyle. Here are some known ways to fight hair fall. Read on to know about various types of hair loss treatment.

Image: Mishio@flickr
Most Effective Hair Loss Treatments
Topical Drugs
The best way to fight hair fall is to resort to topical drugs especially formulated to relieve you of your hair woes. All you have to do is to walk up to your dermatologist, as over-the-counter drugs may do more harm than good, and seek medically prescribed drugs to suit your condition. If you are looking forward to reverse your hair loss, trying out such drugs might be the perfect solution for you.
Oral Drugs
If falling hair is causing you great concern, taking oral medication is another option that might just help! There are many drugs known to reduce the effects of the male hormone androgen and prevent hair loss. Do make sure to consult your doctor before taking this medicine, as it might impede your sex drive too!
Hair Transplants
Hair transplants are the best bet for anyone not willing to go for medical help! If done right, they can offer you a lifetime of relief against hair-raising issues. Hair replacement surgery can restore a full and natural look in just one session. However, the challenge lies in choosing the right procedure and clinic. Remember, it is important to choose your physician carefully, as the result is going to last you for a lifetime.
Hair Weaving
Hair weaving or hair integration is another feasible option for anyone down with a thinning scalp. It is a painless cosmetic alternative to the more emotionally painful hair loss issues. A hair weave is a relatively easy and non-invasive way to change your appearance. However, make sure that the weaving looks natural and blends well with your natural hairline. It will be very important to explore your options and understand the different effects that certain hairstyles can have on your natural locks. It is also imperative that you take precautions to minimize the risks of damaging your natural hair and scalp. Hair weaving also requires proper maintenance, as unclean scalp may trigger infections.
Dietary Changes & Hair Care Products
Hair thinning, especially in women, can be the upshot of menopause, pregnancy, illness, surgery or even rapid weight gain. This can be dealt with a little change in lifestyle and some minor dietary changes, or even by changing your hair care products. You can try a medical shampoo or topical treatment in case of hair loss caused by stress, burns, chemotherapy or injury.
Natural Remedies
If you are unwilling to try this clinically approved methods, natural therapies might just be the thing for you. Naturally potent substances like bhringaraj, saw palmetto, aloe vera, rosemary, and yucca may be the ultimate natural remedies to help you out of your plight. These rejuvenating herbs are known to initiate hair growth and come without the threat of any probable side effects.