Do you find cleaning your apartment a tiresome job? If yes, then here are some handy apartment cleaning tips to your aid. Explore this article to learn more about them.

How To Clean An Apartment

Do you find cleaning your apartment a discouraging task? Do you simply loathe the idea of cleaning those piles of utensils in the sink or dusting the leather couch? If yes, then here are some apartment cleaning tips to charge you up for the task. Although cleaning the whole apartment at a go can be tiring, you can delegate jobs among all your family members to get things done easily. Involve your kids as well with tasks that are suitable for them. However, be sure to supervise their work. After all, you don’t want them to mess up things even more or hurt themselves in any way! To make the task even more fun and interesting you can announce some rewards for everyone as an incentive. Your apartment is your abode of peace where you would definitely love to come back at the end of a hard day at work. A neatly cleaned apartment is inviting, where you would love to relax with your loved ones. Plus, a tidy apartment will surely build a good impression on your guests as well. To keep your abode neat and tidy, be sure to clean it often instead of cleaning it after a long interval. Here are some handy tips to your aid. Read on to learn more about them.

Cleaning An Apartment

Bedroom Cleaning Tips
  • Segregate your clothes. Sent the dirty clothes to the laundry and fold the clean clothes and hang them neatly in your closet.
  • Change the bedspread and pillow cover if you have been using them for a long time.
  • Spread new bed sheets and make the bed tidy.
  • Vacuum clean the curtains, if you have not done so in a long time.
  • Arrange your bedside table. Get rid of all the old bills and unwanted paper chits.
  • Dust and clean the vents, artwork, and switch plates.
  • Don’t use liquid cleaners on switch plates and artwork.
Living Room Cleaning Tips
  • Start with dusting the curtains, artworks on the walls, and clean all the showpieces on display.
  • Vacuum clean your sofa and cushions. Retrieve any remote controls, coins, or food crumbs that have gone under the couch cushions.
  • Dust knick-knacks and any lamps.
  • Organize your CD and DVD racks.
  • Trash old newspapers from your coffee table.
  • Beat and vacuum clean any rugs.
  • Finally, wipe the floor.
Bathroom Cleaning Tips
  • Dust the exhaust fans or vents and clean them with an all purpose cleaner.
  • Clean all the mirrors with an old newspaper. This will make them sparkle.
  • If you have any washable light fixtures and artwork, take them down and clean them properly.
  • Scrub the sink and the toilet with a toilet cleaner and a brush. Allow the cleaner to sit for a few minutes. Then rinse it off.
  • Scrub and mop the floor clean.
  • Dust the rugs and get rid of the trash can while drying the floor.
 Kitchen Cleaning Tips
  • Wash all the utensils that are piled in your sink. For stubborn stain and deep grease layers, soak the utensils overnight in soap water. This will help you clean them easily.
  • Clean the walls, kitchen counter tops, and the cabinets in the kitchen. Take a kitchen sponge and soak in some soap solution to clean all the food stains and grease smudges.
  • Take an all purpose cleaner to clean your gas stove. Dismantle the burners and clean them separately.
  • To clean all the other kitchen appliances, refer to the manufacturer’s manual carefully.
  • Check your pantry and discard the unwanted or expired food items. Make a list of what is needed for your pantry.
  • Sweep the kitchen floor and wipe it with a good disinfectant.

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