Golden retriever puppies are cute, loving, and simply endearing. Explore this article to know how to choose your golden retriever.

How To Choose Your Golden Retriever



Nothing can be more stress busting than having come at home after a hard day at work and find your dog running to you with nothing but love in its eyes. Golden retriever puppies are adorable, sweet, and innocent, with a calm demeanor and that makes them one of the world’s favorite dog breeds. They are smart and loving and become a part of the family as soon as you bring them home. They are quick to learn and eager to please which makes their training very easy. Although after you have bought your puppy, make sure that you are able to spend time with it. They need lots of attention and love and if you don’t have time, then it’s better to refrain from buying a pet itself. However, if you have decided to adopt golden retriever as a pet, explore the pointers to know how to choose your golden retriever.
Choosing A Golden Retriever Puppy 
  • You can either buy your dog from a pet store or from a breeder. Many people prefer buying it from a breeder as then they are able to see the pedigree. You will be able to visualize the pet how it will look after it matures after seeing either the parents or their pictures.
  • Pay attention to the parents, see whether they are active, and don’t suffer from any diseases. They should be of good height, should be healthy, and should have pleasant personalities. Remember that the puppy would take after its parents only.
  • Always choose a local breeder when you decide to buy a dog. A local breeder would be more trusting and the dog will also have no problem adjusting to the same environment in which it is born. A dog brought up in different climate may not be able to acclimatize to your environment.
  • A golden retriever dog should be around 55 to 75 pounds and should be 24 to 26 inches tall when they have reached the maturity. Check whether the puppy’s parents fill the norm.
  • Buy puppies that are eight to ten weeks old. Choosing a younger puppy may make your work harder and parting it from its parents very soon may make them weaker and it’s not ethical too.
  • Look at all the puppies, by the time they are eight to ten weeks old they should be very playful, alert, and active. Stand back there and watch for the one who comes near you. Generally, the dog who chooses you is the one for you. The puppy should respond to your voice and should be interested to play with you.
  • The golden retriever should be very active, alert, have straight legs, and have a good stance. It should have a good attitude and should let you hold it. It should have thick coat and should have no signs of itching and draining eyes.
  • When you are buying the golden retriever, you can check the tip of the puppy’s ears. It would generally be its color when it grows up. The color generally ranges from very light golden to dark golden.
  • You can also let your breeder choose the puppy for you. As the breeder has already spent more time with all the puppies, he is more likely to be aware of all the puppies’ temperament and would be in a better judgment to choose the one for you.
  • All puppies are charming and cute looking and so you should not choose a puppy based on just the looks. While choosing the puppy give the health utmost importance. You wouldn’t want you your dog to spend all the time at the veterinarian hospital.
  • Some breeders even give a health certificate or grace period in which you can check the puppy with the veterinarian.

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