Beauty is the most captivating dream of all. With the exception of the hermits and the insane, almost everybody has a secret and sometimes not-so-secret desire to look beautiful. Smooth flawless skin, glowing in such a way that your body looks transparent, with not a single blemish to spoil the effect is a wish of all. However, it’s a wish that only a few lucky ones can afford and even fewer are born with it. Most of us have to fight a constant battle with blemishes, warts, scars, acne and pimples. As if these weren’t enough, the skin appears so lusterless that if it was possible, most of us would have scrubbed the skin white. It was due to this desire that fuelled the emergence of a giant cosmetic industry. Today, if you have the cash, you can have the skin of a fairy. Millions of young people do cough up exorbitant prices for these products, whose success is still questionable. In case you cannot splurge the moolahs over the skin care products but still want to get gorgeous, fret not as help is at hand. Instead of going for expensive beauty therapies and counseling, choose the organic way and make your skin soft, supple and blemish-free, all without having to empty your savings! The homemade skin bleaches in no way harms your skin, and provides nourishment along with boosting the beauty. Given below in the article are some of the skin bleaches that you can go for.

Image: wiennat@flickr
Natural Skin Bleaching Recipes
Mix equal parts of yogurt and orange juice and apply this on the face and hands. Allow it to set for 15 minutes and then rinse off. Apply this potion daily, for at least one month, for better results.
Take one part of honey and one part of lemon juice and mix them thoroughly. Apply it on the skin and leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. Apply this regularly.
Blend a cucumber and then strain the juice. Take one part of the cucumber juice and to it mix one part of lemon juice. Apply this on the face and rinse off after 15 minutes.
Take the peels of five to six oranges. Leave them for a few days in the sun to dry. Take the dried peels and grind them into powder. Mix the powder with milk and apply it on the skin. Do this at least 3 times a week for a period of four to five months.
Take 2 tbsp of cornflour and 2 tsp of almond oil in a bowl and mix. To this, add several drops of lime juice and then mix again. Apply this mixture on the body and leave it to set for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with mild warm water. Thereafter, rinse thoroughly with cold water.
Blend cucumber, tomato and potato separately in a food processor. Strain out the pulp to take the juice. Mix the three juices together and then apply it on the face, before going to sleep. Next morning, wash your face with water. You can also add sandalwood powder to the juice mixture for better results.
In a bowl, take 2 tbsp of oatmeal and 1 tsp of olive oil. To this mixture, add 1 tbsp of plain yogurt and a squeeze of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly to form a paste. Apply the mixture on the skin and leave it to dry. After the paste has dried, wash off with cold water and apply a moisturizer.
In a bowl take a pinch of turmeric and about 2 tbsp of gram flour. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice and milk. Mix thoroughly to form a paste. Apply this on the skin and leave it to dry completely. Take a damp cloth and rub the dried paste off.
Mix one part of lemon juice and one part of rose water and wash your face with it. Dry you face with a towel. Do this at least two times a day regularly.