Home remedies for itch relief are not only effective, but do not have any side effects as well. Go through this article and explore some of the best natural treatments for itching.

Home Remedies For Itch Relief

Itching is one of the most irritating skin problems to trouble you. Not only does it put you off and distract you, but also becomes a cause of public embarrassment, if your start scratching the affected area in front of others. Be it because of any reason - winter dryness, bug bite or poison ivy, the itch needs to be treated at the earliest, lest you make the condition worst by scratching it again and again. In this context, home remedies prove to be one of the best options. They do not have any side effects and help you get rid of the problem as well. So, just read on explore some of the best home remedies for itch relief.
Natural Treatments For Itching
Aloe Vera
One of the best home remedies for itch relief comprises of aloe vera. All you have to do is pull off one of the fleshy spear-like leaves of the aloe vera plant and then cut it open. You will notice a clear gel flowing out of the leaf. Apply it directly on your skin and leave undisturbed for sometime.
Baking Soda
If your itch is originating at a point, as in the case of a bug bite, make use of baking soda. Mix it with just enough water to make a gummy paste. Now, apply the mixture directly on the affected area and leave it. As the paste falls off, on getting completely dried, you will feel the irritation to have subsided. In case of itching over a large area, add 1-2 cups of soda to a warm bath and soak yourself.
Essential Oil
Whenever your itch gets out of control, pour a drop or two of lavender or tea-tree essential oils at the affected area and massage gently. Since both the oils are quite mild, you do not need to dilute them before application. You can use tea-tree oil even in cases of fungal infections, like athlete's foot.
If you have been experiencing itching over a large area, oatmeal bath would prove to be effective. Get hold of finely ground oatmeal or even the coarse oatmeal present in your home. Add one-two cups of oatmeal to a warm bath and soak yourself. You can also tie the oatmeal in cheesecloth and use it as a loofah, to gently scrub the affected area. Using baking soda is another good option.
Honey & Cinnamon
Form a paste by mixing together equal amounts of honey and cinnamon powder. Apply the paste on the affected area and let it sit there for sometime. It will prove to be quite effective against the itching. After you feel that the itch had subsided, rinse off the paste (with cold water).
Apple Cider Vinegar
You can also make use of apple cider vinegar, to get rid of the itching. Make a solution by adding one part water and half part apple cider vinegar. Now, wash the affected area with the vinegar-water solution and find your itch alleviating in almost no time at all.
Other Home Remedies
For itching over a large area, peppermint bath proves to be effective. You can also soak yourself in a warm bath containing 1 cup white vinegar. Applying cod liver oil or coconut oil over the affected area will also prove useful. Yet another option would comprise of a mixture of aloe vera, cod liver oil, lemon juice, vitamin E oil and wheat germ oil.

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