Green living is to lead our life in complete harmony with nature. Explore the article below for green living tips.

Green Living Tips

If you have been living on this earth and if you have kept your eyes and ears open then you couldn't have escaped the green mania sweeping the world. Not the green that you become when you see your neighbor driving in an Audi. We are going green by adopting a lifestyle that is more in tune with nature. After centuries, we are now confronted with terms like ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, ‘carbon footprints’ etc and these followed by the drumming received from nature forced us to think green. Now, going green is not about choice. It is a necessity and a moral obligation. It is a dream to provide our future generation with a world that is beautiful and not something resembling a cranked up factory. Imagine if each and every person in this world lives their life without wasting any resources and utilize whatever they have to the fullest, then how less the burden it would be on earth. When we adopt green in our lives then we come a step towards sustainability. For that, everyone must put a step forward. To help you lead a green life read the article below to learn more on going green at home and work.
Going Green At Home And Work
Save Energy
  • Fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) consume less energy, so they must be used instead of the incandescent light bulbs.
  • Appliances that are not in use should be unplugged. You can also invest in power strips that cut off ‘phantom’ energy use when the appliances are not in use.
  • Heating water consumes a lot of energy. So, whenever possible wash clothes in cold water. Also, manual washing is better than machine washing as heating the water in a machine consumes almost 85% of the washing machine energy. It is also efficient to dry the clothes in the clothesline or drying rack to cut down on the energy.
  • Lowering the thermostat a few degrees in the winter and in summer, a few degrees higher save much on heating and cooling.
  • Invest in solar power for heating, lighting etc. 
Save Water
  • Install a low-flow showerhead to save on water.
  • For each faucet, use a faucet aerator. A faucet aerator keeps the water pressure high while conserving the heat and water.
  • In most households, watering the garden consumes a lot of water. Plant those plants that are drought tolerant, as they require less water.
  • While washing your car or house, you can save a lot of water if, instead of a water hose you use a mug and a washing cloth.
 Save Gas
  • Walking or cycling is the best way. Use the car as less as possible.
  • Use public transport more often.
  • Select together a group of friends so that you can carpool to work. 
Eat Smart
  • If not completely stop, minimize the intake of meat as much as possible. Keep at least a couple of days in a week where you go meatless.
  • Purchase local food items so that you contribute less to the carbon footprints resulting from transportation.
  • Go for organic vegetables and fruits, as these are not only healthy for your body but also viable for the environment. 
Keep Electronics Out Of The Trash
  • Reuse and recycle your electronic goods by keeping and using them as long as possible.
  • Instead of dumping them in the trash, it is better to donate the electronic goods. 
Additional Tips
  • Bottled water generates large amounts of container waste. So, use filtered water instead of buying bottled water. Or invest in a reusable water bottle.
  • Buy less books, magazines, and movies and borrow more.
  • Buying in bulk saves on packaging.
  • Use homemade cleaning products like vinegar, lemon, and baking soda.
  • Use both sides of the paper and instead of the paper mail use more of the e-mail.
  • Send all your paper articles for recycling.
  • Use recycled paper.
  • Use rechargeable batteries.
  • Don’t use chemicals in your garden or in any products that you use.

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