What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you prepare for the game or getting ready to work out? The shoes, the workout outfit, the techniques? Although these are all very important and deciding factor in making your game or workout a success, there are some basic makers and breakers and one of the most important of them is bra. Gone are the days when you had to wear the same regular bra for working out and for playing games and all outdoor stuff too, which made the physical activity a double work in. Today is the time of sports bras, which are not only comfortable but provide great support to our breasts. Now you don’t have to suffer from un-comfort any more during any kind of physical activity. Sports bras are a must in today’s life of a physically active woman. Sports bra provides a necessary support, comfort and motion control during strenuous physical activities. There are varieties of sports bras available designed for high impact activity and made with high technology fabrics. Touted as the essential element in a women’s wardrobe, you should check for all the prerequisites before you buy it. Read on the following pointers to know how to buy a sports bra.

Image: mikebaird@flickr