Are you looking for some of the best ways to clean barbeque grill? If your answer is yes, just go through this article and know how to clean BBQ grill.

Best Ways To Clean Barbeque Grill

Barbeque is a method of cooking food with the help of heat and hot gases, emitting from fire, smoking wood, or hot briquettes of charcoal. The term also refers to the equipment used for cooking in the aforesaid manner. Barbequing food might also include application of a marinade, spice rub, or basting sauce to the food item. Though barbeque is a very interesting way of preparing food outdoors, it does leave the particular equipment in a mess. You could easily get irritated by the sight of a messy grille, greased with oil and soiled with the remains of smoked/cooked/roasted food. In case you are worried about cleaning barbecue grill, this is just the article for you. Go through the following lines and get to know one of the best ways to clean barbeque grill.
How To Clean Barbecue Grill
Things Needed
  • Warm Soapy Water
  • Sponge
  • Oven Cleaner
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Garden Hose
  • First of all, you need to prepare warm soapy water. Fill a container with water and add liquid dish-washing detergent to it.
  • Use the soapy water to clean the inside as well as the outside of the lid. Rinse it thoroughly and then set in the sun, to dry thoroughly.
  • Remove the grates from the barbeque and spray oven cleaner on them. Now, set them aside and let the cleaner break down the dirt.
  • Clean the bottom of the grill and remove the ashes, along with the bits of charcoal.
  • Again using the warm soapy water, clean the inside, outside as well as the legs of the grill. Rinse it thoroughly and then set in the sun, to dry thoroughly.
  • Now is the time to clean grill grates and the rest of the oven cleaner. For the purpose, make use of a garden hose. Rinse both the items thoroughly with it. Place them in the sun, to dry.
  • When every piece dries completely, it is the time to reassemble them. Your barbeque grill is as clean as new!
  • The grade of the liquid dishwashing detergent would depend upon the degree of stain, on the grille. In case the BBQ grill is terribly stained, go for a strong liquid dish wash. However, you should avoid a harsh cleanser on the rest of the parts of the BBQ.
  • Before completing the process of cleaning, thoroughly examine the grille for any left over stain or oil. In case you find flakes from the interior walls, make use of a wire brush to clean the same.
  • You can substitute sponge with fine steel wool, in case the grille is severely stained.
  • Before you use the cleaned Barbecue grille the next time, make sure that you have heated it properly, so that the left over soap residues are removed.
  • While cleaning the grille, if you note that paint is coming off, it indicates that it has been rusted and that it is the time for some painting. So, indulge yourself in painting the grille after finishing off the cleaning process.

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