What to do when you have a bad taste in your mouth? Confused! Bad taste in mouth is the outcome of numerous reasons. Explore to know the causes and treatment of bad taste in mouth.

Bad Taste In Mouth

We have over 10,000 taste buds in our mouth, which are located on and around the tongue, on the roof of the mouth, on the inner side of the cheeks, on the lips and on the back of the throat. The taste that we experience when we place a bite of food on our tongue is achieved by combining five primary tastes, namely, sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami (salt of certain acid like monosodium glutamate). Nonetheless, there are some people who complain of a bad taste or foul smell in their mouth. This can be due to numerous reasons, such as poor oral hygiene, heartburn, dental problems, and so on. However, the most important point is to find remedies to cure this condition at the earliest. Given here are the various causes of bad taste in mouth. Also, learn how to treat and get rid of that foul taste and have a fresh smelling mouth.
Causes Of Bad Taste In Mouth
Often, people complain of a metallic taste lingering in their mouth due to ingestion of certain medicines. These medicines can be either over the counter or prescribed, such as zinc preparations, anti-thyroid and neurological drugs, etc. Another reason for a bad taste in the mouth can be due to treatments, such as chemotherapy.
Bad Breath
Also known as halitosis, bad breath can leave a bad taste in your mouth causing a stinking smell. Sulfur molecules present in the mouth break down protein and by-products when tasted by bacteria. This causes a taste that is very unpleasant and rotten. Furthermore, food particles in-between the teeth and dental ailments can also cause the bacteria to grow resulting in bad breath, or bad taste.
Pregnant women often complain of bad taste in mouth for some duration of their pregnancy. In severe cases, bad taste can further lead to nausea and worsening the discomfort of morning sickness. Nevertheless, this bad taste is temporary and eventually passes on with the passage of time.
Nasal Problems 
The sense of taste is directly related to our ability to smell. Therefore, we are deemed to experience a bad taste in mouth if we are suffering from cold, sinusitis, nasal infection, nasal polyps or runny nose that occur due to certain allergies.
Specific Diseases
There are a number of diseases that can cause a bad taste in mouth. If not a bad taste, they definitely result in an odd taste. The most common diseases are those that affect the tissues of the mouth and throat, such as gum disease, tooth decay, cancers, bacterial infections and others. Hence, if you suspect any medical problem, it is time to visit a doctor or dentist immediately.
Treatment Of Bad Taste In Mouth
  • Maintain a proper oral hygiene to cure bad taste in mouth. Regularly brushing, flossing and gargling helps in keeping bad taste as well as bad breath at bay.
  • In case you have been experiencing bad taste due to medications, consult the doctor for an alternate medicine without this side effect.
  • Eating lots of vegetables and fruits helps in countering bad taste problems to a large extent.
  • Every time you eat or drink beverages or milk products, rinse your mouth thoroughly to avoid bad taste occurring in your mouth.
  • Gargle your mouth with salt water twice a day to prevent this problem. Prepare the solution by mixing 8 ounces of water with 1 teaspoon of salt or ¼ teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Drinking less water can also dry the mouth resulting in a smelly mouth. Hence, drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist and free from any bad foul.
  • Lemonade, citrus juices and foods marinated in vinegar assist in producing saliva that helps in washing away the bad taste in mouth, leaving you with a mouth smelling fresh.

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