Toning blonde hair comprise of one of the steps that you will need to undertake for maintaining it. Read on to explore how to tone your blond hair.

Toning Blonde Hair

While blondes have always been the butt of jokes, their hair color is something that many other people desire to have as well. In fact, with the development of hair coloring technique, we saw many heads turning from brown to blonde. While it is not too difficult to color your hair blond, maintaining the shade surely requires some efforts on your part. You need to use special shampoos and conditioners meant for blond-colored hair and also go in for toning, from time to time. In case you are clueless about toning your blond hair, go through the following lines and find all the information on the said procedure, apart from some really useful tips.
How To Tone Your Blond Hair
Supplies Needed 
  • Creme Toner (for sheer delicate blondes)
  • Pure White Volume Developer
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Applicator Bottle
  • Wide-toothed Comb
  • Rat-tail Comb 
  • As the first step towards toning your blond hair, you will be required to get the applicator bottle, along with the creme toner and volume developer.
  • Wear the rubber gloves in your hands. This will make sure that they do not end up getting smeared with the color
  • Pour down the complete bottle of the toner in the applicator bottle and add 2 oz. of the volume developer.
  • Now, keeping your finger tip on the tip of the applicator bottle, shake it well, so as to mix the crème and developer properly.
  • Making use of a wide-toothed comb, remove all the tangles from your hair and ensure that it flows smoothly.
  • With the help of the applicator bottle, you will start applying the toner all over your hair.
  • Start with the applicator bottle at your roots and work your way towards the ends of your hair, using the rat-tail comb for making sections.
  • After you have applied the toner all over your hair, it is the time to sit back and let the product do its work.
  • In case you have double-processed blondes, the toner will require up to 15 minutes, while highlights would require it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes only.
  • As the last step, you would have to wash the toner out of your hair, by rinsing it thoroughly with water. 
Some Tips 
  • Before you apply the toner on your hair, for the first time, it is always advisable to do a patch test. Mix in a bit of toner and developer and apply it on the inner side of the elbow or behind your ear. Wait for a few minutes. If there is no adverse reaction, you can go ahead with the toning.
  • In case you feel that, in the very first instance, the toner has not been able to do the job to your satisfaction, you might try re-applying the same. However, try not to leave the toner on your hair for too long. Otherwise, you might end up with your hair in a completely different color.

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