Good-looking hair is just as important as dressing smart. Read your way through this article to know how to style your hair for that special date.

How To Style Your Hair For A Special Date

A special date is enough to turn a boring and dull day into mauve and peaches. No wonder people fuss so much over special dates. We would all do anything to look exceptionally good on a special date with that special someone. A special date is a date that’s usually held between two people who are already seeing each other and mostly at an extremely ‘classy’ place. A special date may or may not be held to celebrate any particular thing, but is ‘extraordinary’ in itself. Since a special date is extremely important to the longevity of relationship, people put in a lot of efforts to look good enough for the same. Most of these efforts however are spent on making the hair look good. It doesn’t really need to be that way. We live in an age of convenience. Why spend a fortune on making your hair look good, when you can achieve the same by just taking a few simple steps. You’ve got to learn how to put in minimum efforts and harvest maximum advantages. Read on to know how to style your hair for a special date.
Styling Your Hair For A Special Date
  • For women it’s all about showing off hair that’s shiny, healthy and voluminous. However, this doesn’t mean you have to go through countless hair styling sessions to achieve your ‘hairy’ ends. We live in the 21st century, which makes it so much easier to flaunt healthy hair with minimum fuss on the same. Revolutionary hair styling products like shampoos, conditioners and hair irons have now made the seemingly impossible, possible.
  • The first thing to do to get stylish hair is to invest in ionic hairdryers and hair irons. ‘Ionic’ hairdryers and hair irons are ‘iconic’ products that can actually make your hair look as good as you would want it to without frying it out. Now isn’t that an advantage? These appliances with the assistance of tourmaline or ceramic can produce negative ions that supplement your hair with shimmer and volume. These products are also your safest options for styling coarse, colored, weak and even unyielding curly hair.
  • You can begin by shampooing and conditioning hair. It’s the first step to be taken for stylish hair. Once you’re done with this step dry your hair with a towel before blow drying it with an ionic hairdryer. Using a hairdryer on hair that’s soaking wet is definitely not advisable. Always make it a point to towel dry your hair before using a hairdryer.
  • Go easy on the hairdryer! Remember, you’re not using it to dry your hair but to style it. When blow-drying use a round natural bristle brush to comb out your hair. This will help remove knots and tangles in your hair.
  • This is where the actual styling materializes into a reality. Section off your hair by isolating a U-section on top of your head and clip it out of the way. It has to be clipped away from your eyebrows.
  • Begin with one side of your hair. Take your iron and smoothen out a small section of your hair, one inch to be precise. Repeat this procedure until you reach the back center of your head. Do the same thing for the other side.
  • Now take the top section of your hair. Iron out the crown area while slowly and steadily moving out to the front area of your head. You complete your hair styling session once you finish ironing the front area. Complete the look by slightly ruffling the front portion of your hair with your fingers. This will help you get a natural look and will also not make you look like you’ve spent an entire day at the parlor.
  • For men it’s all about hair that looks neat and clean. You cannot show up for a special date with hair that looks messy and dirty. You’ll mostly end up getting a lecture on personal hygiene from your date. You wouldn’t want that, would you?
  • You can start off by shampooing and conditioning your hair. Here, it doesn’t matter if you have long or short hair, you still have to go in for a wash. Squeaky-clean hair is the objective of this step.
  • Dry your hair with a towel and then use an ionic hairdryer. If you have, long hair or hair that’s not too short you can opt for the messy look or simply rub some gel through your hair and style it accordingly. You can also use mousse or hair wax.
  • If you have short hair, just apply a good hair gel and let it be. You’re bound to look smart for the special date with that special someone. You can even go for the date sans the gel. Your woman’s not going to turn you away because you failed to apply hair gel. As mentioned before, it’s all about clean and healthy looking hair for men.

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