In this article, we tell you what to pack for the hospital when having a baby.

What To Pack For The Hospital When Having A Baby

Those who frequently go on trips would know the trauma of last minute packing - the clock ticks past the scheduled time and you are still hurrying to get hold of things!! Most of you would agree that last minute packing makes you go insane. Also, you are likely to miss out on at least one thing that was most wanted for the journey!! To avoid such a thing from happening, the best idea is to pre-pack for a trip. Just like a fun trip, a visit to the hospital also requires advance planning. When you are in your last stretch of pregnancy and motherhood is just knocking at the door, it is advisable to be ready for a hospital visit on time. Though preparing your self mentally is crucial, you should also prepare your self physically.
Talking about physical preparations, it is a good idea to pack much in advance all the things that will be required during the labor and birth and after the baby is born, unless you want to wait until the contractions starts! Ideally, there must be two bags that you should pack - one for labor/delivery and other one for postpartum period. This will help avoid any clatter in the hospital. However, before packing the things, make sure that you are aware of the hospital policies. Different hospitals have different policies. Check on with the hospital about what you are allowed to bring and what you are not allowed. In the following lines, we have mentioned a list of essential must-haves that you would be required to carry.
Hospital Packing Checklist for Labor
Labor/ Delivery Bag
The following items must be there in the labor/delivery bag: 
  • A mobile phone, to make calls whenever necessary
  • A handheld fan, if possible, to keep yourself cool
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hairbrush
  • Lip balm
  • Digital camera
  • Contact lens
  • At least 5 pairs of comfortable undergarments
  • A few pair of good, comfortable socks
  • Good quality sanitary pads
  • Pen and paper
  • Entertainment items like card games, handheld video games, etc
  • Cash/ change for various vending machines that the hospital might have
  • Pictures of someone you love, which will provide emotional inspiration and support when your loved ones are not around you
  • Watch
  • Massage oil
  • Good quality toiletries 
Postpartum Bag
The Postpartum bag must have the following items: 
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Soap or body wash
  • Scrubs
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant
  • Hair-dryer
  • Make up
  • Nursing bras or breast pads
  • At least 3 comfortable nightgowns
  • Comfortable slippers
  • Towel
  • Books to read, knitting items etc (to pass the time)
  • Home clothes, which must be very comfortable
  • Outfit for you and your baby which both of you would wear while going home
  • Infant car seat
  • Baby socks or booties
  • Nappies
  • Two or three sleep suits and vests for the baby to wear when he/she is in the hospital.
  • Jackets
  • Hats

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