Water pollution facts are the best way to make the people aware of this grave threat. Read below for a few water pollution facts.

Water Pollution Facts

At this time, when the ticking of the pollution bomb has increased in speed, there are still many people who are ignorant of the enormity of the situation. Amongst all the types of pollution, water pollution is the gravest of all. People are still reluctant to accept the fact that our rivers and oceans are in grave danger. This can be attributed to the fact that such people are mostly unaware of the chilling water pollution facts. Indeed, in most developing and underdeveloped countries, the water available is so polluted that people have been barred from using them. Those who still use the water draw on it at their own risks. Since water is one commodity that no one can do without and has no alternative, many people are using the polluted water, thus, becoming prey to many diseases and ailments. Indeed, in underdeveloped countries, water pollution is the main cause of death. The situation is so severe that in some places even the groundwater is undrinkable. To take stock of the pollution, it is important that people are made aware of all the facts related to water pollution. These facts will also make the people realize what can and what needs to be done to save water. A little know-how of the present scenario can compel many people to save water. As such, in the following lines we have provided some facts about water pollution. Coming face to face with the water pollution facts can help stop the misuse of water.
Facts About Water Pollution
  • About 20% of the pollutants in all the water bodies are a result of water based activities. The rest 80% results from land based activities.
  • Cruise ships are a major cause of pollutants. They release a million gallons of polluted water in the ocean and seas. Apart from this, they produce over 200,000 gallons of sewage, which is mostly dumped in the ocean. Cruise ships are also responsible for causing at least 35,000 gallons of water contamination due to the presence of oils, diesel fuel, and other pollutants.
  • Plastic litter is also a major water pollutant, causing enormous destruction to marine life. It is believed that annually plastic litter is responsible for the deaths of more than 100,000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds and countless fishes.
  • As a result of pollution, almost 50% of the groundwater throughout the world is unsuitable for drinking.
  • Water pollution is the main cause of several diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. Such diseases affect over 250 million people out of which 8 million people do not survive.
  • Toxic wastes from industries are regularly dumped into water bodies. These wastes contain heavy metals which seep into the water and destroy the marine life. Using such water causes various health problems like cancer, infertility, birth defects, damaged immune systems and the like.
  • A lesser known aspect of water pollution, especially groundwater pollution, is the danger caused by natural catastrophes. Floods, earthquakes and other major upheavals disrupt the ecological system and wash the pollution into the water bodies, causing water pollution.
  • The presence of pollutants like feces, urea or food items cause an overgrowth of algae. Algae ‘suffocates’ the water by using more oxygen from the water. This leads to the death of organisms that thrive in water. With the death of these organisms, the water gets polluted more.  
  • Water pollution is the main factor in causing acid rain. The acid rain again contaminates the water bodies and the circle continues.
  • The water resources in Asia are the most polluted amongst the rest with human waste, thus providing an ideal environment for the growth and development of dangerous bacteria and viruses that can cause a host of diseases.
  • Bangladesh has the most polluted groundwater in the world. The contaminant there is arsenic, which occurs naturally in the sediments. Around 85% of the total area of the country has contaminated groundwater, with at least 1.2 million Bangladeshis exposed to arsenic poisoning and with millions more at risk.

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