Breech babies can cause a serious threat to themselves as well as their mothers. Read the article given below for some tips on turning a breech baby.

Turning Breech Baby

A breech baby, unlike a normal baby, is born bottom down as opposed to the regular head down position. Breech birth can influence complications during delivery and trigger birth defects too. A breech birth is usually one of the following three types: Frank Breech, where buttocks are down and legs go straight up, Complete Breech - where the baby is positioned cross-legged, and Footling Breech - where either or both feet are down. In any breech position, the baby is always delivered with feet or buttocks first. The causes for a breech birth are little known although medically, it is said to be associated with the shape and size of the mother’s body and/or her pelvic region. Mothers having a higher volume of amniotic fluids in their uterus are also thought to be prone to a breech delivery. Apart from that, subsequent pregnancies and growth anomalies in children can also increase the chances of breech presentation. Whatever the reasons for a breech birth, the next most important thing to understand is ways in which to deal in case of such an eventuality. Continue reading to know some useful tips on turning a breech baby.
How To Turn A Breech Baby 

The Breech Tilt

Put an ironing board on a sofa around 8 to 12 inches high. Lie down on it with the knees bent. Keep the feet flat on the board. Relax and breathe deeply. You can also use pillows on a flat surface to raise the hips 12 to 18 inches above shoulder level. Gravity pushes the baby's head, helping it flip over like in a somersault, into a vertex position. 

Knee To Chest Position
Kneel with your hips flexed at slightly more than 90 degrees (but do not let your thigh press against your abdomen) and try to keep your shoulders, head and upper chest flat on your mattress. Maintain this position for 15 minutes every two hours after waking up, for five continuous days. By positioning your body in a way that your head is a a level lower than the other parts of your body, gravity encourages the baby's head to turn towards your fundus. As pressure builds on the back of baby's head, she gradually rotates, first slanting, then all the way to the vertex. 

Cold At The Top Of The Uterus
Take a cold compress like a bag of ice or frozen peas and put it on top of your uterus. The cold pack is likely to force your baby to turn her head away from the cold temperature. However, do not put the pack directly on to your skin. Cover your skin with a light fabric and then use the cold compress. 

Research has proved that babies respond to sound. Just place earphones or small speakers on your lower abdomen and play the music. Use music to guide your baby to the desired position. 

Like music, babies react to light as well. Hold the light near the pubic bone or gently move it from top to bottom, letting the baby follow the light and turn upside down. 

This method can be used in combination with the “breech tilt”. This technique involves rubbing both hands wide and flat around the belly in the direction you want the baby to turn. Both hands should be opposite each other and move in a circular way around the baby. 

Yoga is an ancient art of breathing practices, physical exercises and meditation. It is believed to unite the practitioner’s body, spirit and mind. Yoga poses can help a breech baby turn head down. Just kneel on your fours with shoulders against the floor and buttocks up in the air, giving more space for baby to move in the abdomen and rib cage. You can also try lying with a pillow under your pelvis to raise your hips higher than your head, as well as in a variety of a few other inverse positions. 

Many people are of the view that acupuncture can release or balance energy in the body. Find a professional acupuncturist familiar with pregnancy. Acupuncture will help the body release energy and help the baby find a better position by allowing the mother’s body to relax so that the baby can position herself safely for birth.

Note: Don't try the above exercises on your own. Please consult a qualified doctor for medical advice.

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