When they arrived, most habitual nail biters, especially the women, looked skywards and said a silent ‘thank you’ in the name of the person who invented the acrylic nails. They made the idea of nail care so easy that they became an instant hit. Acrylic nails are easy to maintain, comfortable when worn, and look extremely lovely. Thus, all those women who had problems maintaining their nails, or their nails chipped easily, took to them immediately. After all, acrylic nails give your nails a look, like those of Hollywood actresses. Since most of us do not have the time to maintain and take care of long and beautiful nails, most of us choose to get a set of acrylic nails attached to our nails when attending a party, wedding, or any other function. They demand very little maintainance, are easy to wear and remove, and can take more wear-and-tear than the original nails. However, since they are completely artificial, manufactured from chemical compounds, they also come with their own warning signs. It pays to know the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic nails; thus, read on.

Image: borispumps@flickr
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Acrylic Nails
The Pluses
- Acrylic nails are the ultimate ‘God’s Gift to Mankind’ for those women who bite their nails and wish to quit the habit. Since they are tougher and stronger than the natural nails that we have, they do not break when bitten as easily as the natural ones. Unless, of course, the nail biter’s will is stronger than the nails themselves!
- They are also very beneficial for those who have unhealthy nails – the kind that chip of easily, split, or are in any other way unmanageable. Acrylic nails are stronger and can take much more wear and tear, than the natural nails.
- They are easy to paint with the nail paint of one’s choice. Once applied, the colour does not wear off easily like it does in the natural nails.
- They can be either attached to the base of the nail, i.e. from where the nail begins to grow, or at the very end, as an extension to the natural nails that we possess, especially by people who do not wish the skin of their fingers to touch an artificial substance.
The Minuses
- No matter how beautiful they may look, and no matter how experienced a beautician we go to, for application of acrylic nails, these nails will continue to look artificial as compared to the natural ones.
- No matter how strong they are, they are incapable of protecting our original nails from wear and tear that they will undergo if they are weak and chip easily. If the acrylic nails bend or twist due to some reason, it could be very painful for the wearer. This is also a way of saying that nothing can substitute healthy, strong nails, which demand a balanced diet with lots of proteins, plenty of water, and enough milk.
- If one does not know how to properly remove acrylic nails after use, it might cause skin problems. The material used to bond the acrylic nail to the ones we have naturally, may harm the nails or the skin around it. Thus, one should be extra careful while removing them.