Pedometers track the number of steps taken during a physical activity and using the digital ones will also help you to record the calories burnt. Read on for some tips on how to use a pedometer.

How To Use A Pedometer

Pedometers are tiny gadgets that are used to track the number of steps taken during a physical activity, such as a walk. They are certainly one of the best fitness investments you can make, as recording your daily work out and tracking the calories you burn on a daily basis can work as a motivational factor to keep you going on the fitness path. Pedometer is affordable and also very simple to use, once you know its modus-operandi. Smaller than a pager, you can actually carry pedometers wherever you go to keep a track of how many steps you cover in a typical day. In case you have decided to buy a pedometer by now, you may want to know some tips on how to use it. Read the article to find the same. 
Tips For Using A Pedometer 
  • You will have to understand how a pedometer works. A simple pedometer will just record the number of steps you have taken depending on your body movement. A tiny apparatus is fitted inside the pedometer, which moves each time your hip is moved for taking a step. With each step taken, the pedometer turns over. The digital and more hi-tech models of the pedometer track the distance covered, and also display the calories burned in the process. However, certain trials have also shown that the electronic calorie-burn information is inaccurate.
  • A pedometer is used to start a daily walking routine. On an average, it takes 2000 steps to complete a mile. Going by the readings of your pedometer, designate yourself a certain distance to walk. The walking path can be the pavement or a track around the neighborhood. You will need the pedometer only once to measure the path. For instance, in the future, you will know that 3 rounds around the pavement equals to a given number of steps for you.
  • The pedometer has to work as a motivational tool for you, which keeps you following your walking routine every day. It will encourage you to compete with yourself and try to increase your targeted distance as time progresses. You can increase your goal each week, until you reach the desired miles, required to keep you in shape.
  • Remember that the actual number of calories you burn everyday based on the readings of the pedometer will vary, as your walking speed is different everyday. In case you have a steady speed, you can also walk that distance on a treadmill just once to calculate the calories you have burnt. You can apply the same reading to your daily walks and analyze the results for yourself.
  • You can choose to wear your pedometer wherever you go, even when you are not talking your exercise walks. You will be surprised to know how many steps you walk in an entire day and can accordingly determine whether you need to add one more round to you daily walk. In case you are already having enough workout during a typical day, you can also bring down the miles covered in the daily walks.

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