Exercises provide perfect solution to the question of ‘how to tone inner thighs’. Read this article and get info on the best workouts for toning inner thighs.

How To Tone Inner Thighs

Every one of us wants to look good, for which fitness is one of the most essential qualities. We want our stomach to be flat, arms to be slim and thighs to be perfectly toned. However, achieving the same is a difficult task. In fact, if you aim to shape up only a specific area of the body, it is going to yield no results, no matter how much exercise you do. Rather, you should consider giving your body a thorough workout, while laying special emphasis on the problematic areas, like thighs. In this article, we will tell you how to tone inner thighs, in the best way. Control your diet and exercise on a regular basis, along with indulging in the workouts for inner thigh that are given below. Have patience and be consistent. Soon, you will be rewarded with an absolutely great bod!
Exercises for Toning Inner Thighs
Butterfly Stretching
This exercise should be done before you start undertaking any other inner thigh exercises. Sit on a flat surface and join the soles of the feet together, in the front. Let you knees drop to the floor, to the extent that you feel a stretch in your inner thighs. Now, wrap your hands around your feet and remain in the same position for a few seconds. This effectively stretches your muscles for the workout.
Elastic Band Stretch
For doing elastic band stretch, all you need to do is get an elastic band and wrap it around anything that is stationary and sturdy. Now, attach it to the bottom of your leg, around the ankle. Stand at such a distance from the object, to which you have tied the band, that you feel some strain. Now, let your leg out and bring it back in, towards your body. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, with each leg.
Outer Thigh Lift
Lie down on the floor, on your left side. Balancing on the left forearm, prop your upper body nearly upright. Bend your left leg and extend your right leg in front, at a 45-degree angle. Raise the right foot, around six inches off the floor, hold for one count, come back and again lift, before touching the ground. After ten lifts, repeat with the other leg.  Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, with each leg.
Inner Thigh Firmer
Lie down on the floor, on your left side. Place a thin pillow or your arm under your head, to keep it aligned with the shoulders and hips. Bend your right leg in front of you and rest it on the floor. Extend your left leg straight and slowly raise it, around six inches off the floor. Hold for one count, come back and again lift, before touching the ground. After ten lifts, repeat with the other leg. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, with each leg.
Pillow Firmer
Lie down on the floor, on your back. Take a large pillow and place it centrally, between your lower legs. Now, putting pressure of both the legs, smoothly squeeze the pillow. Make sure to use both the legs and apply pressure on the sides of the pillow. Hold for 2 - 3 seconds, release and repeat. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

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