If you are wondering how to make banana chips at home, here are the steps to make them. These simple and easy to follow culinary tips will help you make delicious banana chips.

How to Make Banana Chips

Banana chips are a famous fried Indian snack. Making these banana chips at home is easy. The best part is that both the ingredients as well as the method to make banana chips are very basic. It will not take you long to make these crispy, delicious yummy chips at home. You need not even feel guilty while munching on those banana chips because green banana is enriched with healthy nutrients. These chips are usually deep fried in coconut oil and coated with spices or jaggery, depending on your taste buds. Variants of banana chips may also be covered with chocolate. You should be warned in advance that once you make a bowl of banana chips, there will be no putting the bowl down – these crunchy and irresistible snacks are addictive. These can be gobbled up as a side dish with a plate of sandwich or burgers. Banana chips can be a replacement for popcorns as well. Read this article to know more about how to make these fantastic chips.
Banana Chips Recipe
Fried Banana Chips

  • 5-6 Raw Banana (peeled)
  • Coconut Oil/Vegetable Oil for Deep Frying
  • ¼ tsp Turmeric Powder
  • Salt To Taste
  • Absorbent Cloth
  • Chip Slicer
  • Firstly, slice the banana to an even thickness. This is important, since thick slices will be undercooked. The best way to obtain an even thickness is to use a chip slicer.
  • Put these slices in a pan filled with water and add turmeric to it and let them soak for about 10 min.
  • Now, drain the water and dry the slices by transferring them on the absorbent cloth.
  • Heat oil in a pan and add the banana slices to the hot oil. Deep fry for 2 min or until the chips are crispy. Add a few slices at a time.
  • Mix ½ tsp water and ¼ tsp salt and add this mixture to the oil. This makes the chips crispier.
  • Lift the chips from the pan and place on an absorbent tissue so that the extra oil gets soaked.
  • Banana chips are ready to be consumed.
  • If you want to store the chips, you can keep them inside an air tight container.
Baked Dried Healthier Banana Chips

  • 5-6 Raw Banana (peeled)
  • Chip Slicer
  • Food dehydrator
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Water
  • Peel and slice the banana uniformly.
  • In a bowl of water mix the lemon juice.
  • Dip the banana slices in the bowl and lay them on the dehydrator tray, making sure not to overcrowd them.
  • After one hour check whether your banana slices have dehydrated completely or not. If they have not, then give another half an hour.
  • The chips will be darkened slightly and leathery. They will be crispy when dry.
  • While peeling and slicing the banana, apply coconut oil (or any vegetable oil) to your palm, to avoid stains on the fruit.
  • Peel the banana and slice it when you are about to start cooking. Sliced banana kept for a long time will get a dark colour and lose the fresh taste.
  • Salt should be mixed well.
  • If you forget to add the turmeric powder while soaking the slices you could always add to the oil.
  • While making the dried banana chips, read up the manufacturer’s instruction for the ideal setting to your dehydrating machine.

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