If you want to be a popular person, but don’t know how to be one, here are some tips to help you enlist your name in world of fame around you.

How To Increase Your Popularity

With the exception of monks, yogis and some lesser mortals, who don’t want to be in the good-book of anyone, almost all of us want to be popular. However, the hitch is that only few of us are really able to achieve that. Now, why is that when all of us want to be popular, only a few really are? The difference lies between wanting and being. We need to integrate some steps in our life to travel from the w-word to b-word. Here are some tips to help you cross the sea towards popularity without much glitch. Read on and know how to increase your popularity.
Tips For Becoming Popular
Be Friendly
This is one of the keys to be popular. People, who are friendly to everyone, have more friends and like by others. So, be friendly to everyone around you, not only your colleagues and your peers, but even your helper, cook, driver and maid. When you make a friendly gesture towards anyone, it is sure to get reciprocated. Don’t be high headed, it is the way to alienate people and lose friends.
Use Humor
A humorous person is rarely alone. In this world of stress and pain, the least you can do is to put a smile on someone’s lips. People like to talk to someone who can make them laugh. Now, be humorous, not a joker and never make sarcastic comments about anyone. Try to find humor in even the gloomiest of things and you would find people wanting to be around you. They would want to warm themselves in the sunny warmth of your jokes. So, be nice and cheerful and make others like you too. You would find your popularity increasing in no time.
Be Positive
People like the positive vibes that a confident person gives out. Therefore, be optimistic at all. This will not only make you popular amongst people, but also help you grow as a person. Remember, where one path ends, another surely starts. No matter how tough is the going, never lose your calm and always be positive. A positive person can alter the worst possible situation to his advantage.
Respect Everyone
A popular person not only respects himself, but everyone around him too. When you give proper respect a person, you secure a place in his heart forever. However, respect doesn’t translate to being a welcoming mat. Respect everyone, but do make sure to maintain your dignity too.
Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
When people know that they can lean on you and trust you with something, they tend to like you. Therefore be willing to get out of your comfort zone, to help people. When you give a hand to a colleague in carrying a pile of files, open the elevator for a friend, help a blind cross the street or try to pep up a sad person, not only do people like you, but you like yourself too. It will also ensure your place in everyone’s good books.
Be Yourself
Trying to be someone else can never help anyone, at least in the long run. So be yourself and try to incorporate everything good in your lifestyle and not just fake it. Make people like you for what you are and not the way you pretend to be. Be good and be yourself, that’s all you need to do to be popular.
Maintain Relationship
There is an old adage that says 'making friends is easy, but maintaining friendship is difficult'. Just ask yourself how many people you have made friends with and how many you’re still friends with! Maintaining a relationship is the most difficult part. One of the most important traits of a popular person is that he/she maintains relationship, no matter how old it is. It’s not necessary to call people all the time, to maintain relations. Just make sure that you are there in their bad times as well as when they need to share their happiness.
Don’t Try Too Hard
Don’t try too hard to be popular, it will show. Just make sure that you follow the above steps and leave the rest to time. Nobody can gain popularity in few days. It will take time for your goodness to sink in people's mind and heart. Trying too hard will only give them an idea that you are pretending to be someone you’re not and repel people.

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