Do you go green with envy every time you see your friend being complimented for her smooth, glowing complexion? Well, almost all of us secretly yearn for radiant skin. However, in reality, hardly anybody wakes up looking like Cindy Crawford. If you thought that skin creams, fairness lotions, hydrating masks, rejuvenating packs and all that cosmetic jazz is all it takes to achieve that gorgeous, smooth-looking skin, you are in for some real surprise! Beauty isn’t skin deep and the saying goes for beautiful skin as well. Indulging in lavish creams and beauty packs actually does little to prep up your beauty, if you have unhealthy habits. Beauty is more of a habit and it takes regular care and extra bit of pampering to achieve that blemish free, radiant complexion. All the tall claims of cosmetic creams are nothing more than eyewash. If beautiful skin is top on your priority list, dump the cosmetic clutter and move on to a healthy lifestyle. Here are some useful tips to help you know how to get smooth skin. Read on to know more.

Image: Wineblat Eugene - Portraits@flickr
Tips For Getting Smooth & Flawless Skin
- Hydrating your skin is one big leap towards gorgeous looking skin. Pamper your skin with the goodness of water. Water helps the body to get rid of toxins, thereby leaving your skin refreshed and glowing. So what are you waiting for? Get gulping and get glowing!
- Exfoliating everyday is an absolute must, if you wish to have a smooth and silky complexion. Exfoliating your skin everyday during shower will help you get rid of dead skin cells. What more, it is known to boost blood circulation and calm your nervous system, two essential pre-requisites for great looking skin.
- Every day, we expose our skin to dirt, pollution and harmful chemicals that unsuspectingly, speed up our skin ageing process. It is extremely important to clean your skin regularly, to mar the impact of the daily grease. Investing in a mild face wash or even a cleansing lotion will help you purge all the dirt in a wink.
- Long showers or extended hot soaks can dry your skin, making it look wrinkled and patchy. Don’t forget to moisturize your skin religiously, right after bath, before leaving the house, and just before bedtime. Moisturizers hydrate your skin, keeping it look young and fresh for long.
- A healthy diet is one sure way to achieve flawless complexion. The loads of junk foods we force on our system every day do more harm than good for our skin. A balanced, healthy diet that includes loads of fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins can help your skin retain its elasticity, keeping it younger looking and fresh for days to come.
- Meditation or yoga is known to boost skin health. Just take an hour off from your hectic schedule and indulge in the bliss of yoga. It is likely to offer long-lasting results for your skin.
- There are numerous face packs and masks available in the market that promises to turn you from a drab to a diva, in a snap. However, indulging in homemade face packs can be easy and cost-effective way to great skin. In addition, they have lesser chances of side effects. Go and plunder the kitchen shelves now!
- Suntan may be the latest vogue in the fashion world. However, exposing your skin to sun for longer hours can be damaging. Sun dehydrates skin and worse, speeds up ageing too. So before you step out in the sun, don’t forget to generously slather sunscreen on all the exposed body parts, for maximum protection. Your skin will thank you for it!
- A big beauty blooper that most of us make is to go to bed with make-up on. Result - soggy, dry-looking skin! Remember to remove all traces of make up before going to bed. This will help your skin breathe freely while you are asleep and boost up skin repairing process too.