It’s summer and all you want to do is wear those pretty pair of sandals, but cracked heels have got you holding back? Hop on to the bandwagon; this is one of the most common problems that the man or woman of today face. With the hustle and bustle of leading a busy life, we have lesser time to look after ourselves. Cracked heels can be really painful and rather irritating and they also indicate signs of aging. There are several reasons for the occurrence of cracked heels, ranging from standing for long hours, wearing shoes with open back, inactive sweat glands, diabetes, susceptibility to dryness, and even obesity. However, more often than not, cracked heels are more of a result of a careless outlook towards foot care than anything else. Everybody wants a beautiful set of feet and it is an urban myth to think that the only way to get your feet to look good is by splurging thousands of bucks to get pampered at foot spas. There are several things, you can do to treat your cracked heels and prevent them from further cracking. Read further to find out more.

Image: Ianz@flickr
Way To Heal Your Cracked Heels
Taking care of your feet is not a complicated task and small things that you do can bring a huge change. Given below are tips to banish those cracked heels and revive your feet to their former glory.
- What you eat is what you are. It is true to the core. Maintaining a balanced diet with lots of leafy veggies, fresh fruits, juices, will prevent the heels from cracking. Drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself from within, which will keep the skin soft and supple and heels crack-free.
- The warmer the water, the more moisture is being drained out of your skin. Next time you take a shower, try a cold-water shower, and if that’s not possible, try out a luke warm water shower.
- Before hitting the sack, wash your feet thoroughly. Apply an intense moisturizing lotion or petroleum jelly all over your feet and massage it for a few minutes, wear a pair of socks while sleeping so that the moisture gets locked in.
- Soak your feet in lukewarm water to make the skin soft and rub it thoroughly with a pumice stone and finally top it off with a deep hydrating moisturizer. A pumice stone takes away the dead skin leaving behind softer and smoother skin.
- Wear on socks as often as possible, especially during the day to keep your feet away from the pollution and dirt that robs your skin of its moisture.
- Avoid walking barefoot if you have cracked heels.
- Vegetable oil is very good in helping you heal cracked heels. Massage your feet every night if possible with vegetable oil and let the oils soak into your feet.
- In case all this doesn’t work out well, you should pay a visit to a podiatrist to get it checked, and get adequate and appropriate treatment.