Doing exercises in the pool offers you the additional benefit of water resistance. Browse through this article and get information on how to do pool exercises.

How To Do Pool Exercises

In the present day world, where looks have become the most important aspect of a person's personality, everyone is making efforts to get into shape. Attending swimming sessions, going for tennis, frequenting the gym and indulging in jogging (on a daily basis) are some of the options that people have increasingly started adopting, in order to maintain a fit and healthy looking body. While many people are aware of the fact that swimming makes up a good workout, very few know that they can indulge in exercises inside the pool as well. In fact, pool exercises often give better results that the ones done on ground, mainly because of the additional resistance that the water offers. Are you interested in learning more about exercises in the pool? If yes, then go through the following lines and know how to do pool exercises.
Doing Exercises In The Pool 
  • For the purpose of doing pool exercises, you will need to get into the pool and swim over to the area where the water comes at least up till your waist, but does not reach higher than your chest.
  • Just like exercises on the ground, you will have to indulge in some warm-up for pool exercises as well. You can do light jogging for 5 minutes, either "in place" or by moving around the pool.
  • After you have warmed up your body, it is the time to indulge in a workout, using the water's resistance to exercise your muscles. Some of the most popular pool exercises are jumping jacks, twist" dance, cross-country ski move, marching steps and side steps.
  • For the next twenty minutes at least, keep moving through the water. Make sure to vary your moves and keep changing direction. While you should feel the stress in your muscles, the workout should not leave you breathless.
  • After you have completed the exercise routine, it is the time to cool off. It is almost as important as the warm-up. For the purpose, you can slow down to a slow walk or long stride step. Keep on doing it until you feel that your pulse has returned to normal. 
Some Tips 
  • In order to increase the effort involved in the exercises, you can add flotation devices, apart from cycling legs, straddle open and close legs, and scissor kicks.
  • One of the best pool exercises that you can indulge in comprises of moving the arms and legs simultaneously. This movement through the water is two-directional and exercises your muscles well.
  • While exercising in the pool, you can vary the arm movements, like indulging in straight arms, bent arms, pumping up and down arms, "S" shaped arms in pulling, etc.
  • Whenever you are undertaking varying leg motions in the pool, as a part of an exercise, make sure to press your heels to the bottom. In other words, you should not involve only your toes in the exercise.
  • While indulging in pool exercises, make sure to never ever exceed your comfort level. Otherwise, you might end up getting more negative results than positive.

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