A number of methods are used for covering stretch marks. To learn how to cover up the stretch marks, go through the article.

How to Cover Up Stretch Marks

Pregnancy, extreme weight gain or loss and too much muscle workout are the prevailing reasons for the occurrence of stretch marks. The scars appear when the skin stretches itself to accumulate change in the shape and size of your body. Various methods, from laser treatment to the use of specially formulated creams, are prevalent for covering stretch marks. If you want to know how to cover up the stretch marks using the simplest methods, the following lines will come handy. Go through them and find tips on covering stretch marks.
Image: Malingering@flickr
Covering Up Stretch Marks 
  • You can cover up the stretch marks by dressing appropriately. Wear clothes that hide the stretch marks. Wear full sleeve shirt or top to cover the stretch marks in your arms.
  • If visible stretch marks are hard to hide with clothes, make use of body makeup products, especially formulated for covering them up, such as concealer and foundation.
  • In order to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks on your body, include foods rich in Vitamin K in your diet. To cover up the stretch marks that you already there, consume green leafy vegetables, liver and dairy products.
  • Self-tanners are proven to mask stretch marks. Exfoliate the skin and then apply the self-tanner. Bottled tan is especially recommended, because the skin gets darker when it is exposed to hot sun. Tanning indoors won't fix the problem, because your stretch marks will be more visible, as the skin gets darker when it is exposed to UVA and UVB rays. In addition, the rays can damage the skin tissues.
  • A daily dose of Vitamin E capsules can also help in covering up the stretch marks. Consult your doctor to get the prescribed medicine.
  • Creams containing the active ingredient, Vitamin K, are now specially formulated to fade stretch marks. Apply the cream, twice a day, on the affected area.
  • Pregnant women may apply cocoa butter on the abdominal and hip area. Massage the area with the product at least twice a day.
  • Essential oils work well to cover up the stretch marks. You may use lavender essential oil to fade the scars.
  • You can also massage the area with a moisturizer containing shea butter. For best results, do it on a regular basis, at least twice a day.
  • Regular massage with almond or coconut oil will also help keep your stretch marks less visible.
  • Smear the affected area with egg white. After the egg white dries completely, wash it off with ice cold water. Do it on a regular basis.
  • A well hydrated skin can ward off the ugly stretch marks naturally. Therefore, keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

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