In the old classic novels, you must have stumbled across the pages where the master of the house is in his library, with an uninspiring eye frame on his nose, and he is doing the finances or reading a book. In yesteryears, the boring the frame, the more intellectual a person looked as eyeglasses were used only for reading purpose. However, today the scene has changed. Today an eyeglass is not only used for reading purpose but is also a style statement. No matter whether you are a busy executive, or a new dad, a writer, a collegiate or a retired senior, or you are one or more of these, there is an eyeglass for you. There are eyeglasses to suit the occasions and to stress your personality traits or even to portray an image. So if you want to appear conservative, fashion-monger, witty, fun-loving, sophisticated, serious or youthful, all you need to do is to choose a suitable eyeglass and it will help you say whatever you want, about you. In addition, there are different eyeglasses for different purposes, as today the spectacles are not just used for vision repair but also act as an fashion accessory. And it doesn’t hurt to look a little bit trendy while getting the vision repaired especially for men as they don’t have much accessories anyway. So whether you want to have the classic style, the coke-bottle style or the trendy look, or anything else, you can find your meets. Read on to know how to choose eyeglass for men.

Image: Wickerfurniture@flickr