Till some few years back, wigs were worn only in case of no hair on the head, but today they too have become a fashion statement. Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Beyonce, Tyra Banks, Miley Cyrus, are all bringing their lines of hair extensions and wigs. While wigs are essential for some people, you may want to use it just as a fashion statement. No matter why you choose a wig, there are certain factors, which you need to keep in mind as otherwise it, can make your face look odd. Imagine the situation when your hair look oddly attached to your scalp and a little too “off” for your face. In order to look good in a wig, you need to take care of many factors. There are some guidelines; you need to follow while shopping for a wig. The first thing, which you should look for, is your face shape. Depending on the shape of your face, you can choose a wig, which will bring out the beauty of your face. Remember that the wigs, which look good on a mannequin, may look really awful and artificial for your face. Depending on your face shape and your personal style, you would be able to choose the right wig, to suit your face. Read on to know what kind of wig would suit what kind of face structure.

Image: Joelk75@flickr
Tips For Choosing A Wig
Oval Face
If you are the one with oval shape, then you are among those chosen few. Almost every kind of hairstyle suit the oval shaped face and it is the case with the wigs too. Any style of wigs, whether it is short or long, straight, or curly would flatter your face and you would look pretty.
Round Face
For the round shaped facial structure, the goal should ne to hide the flaws and make the face look slimmer. You should look for the wigs, which would frame your face, and which has height at the crown area as this will make your face look slimmer. You should never go for neat bobs.
Square Face
For square shaped face, the focus should be to make the edges of the face look softer. The best way you could soften your facial structure is by wearing a wig with a style closer to the face. Instead of going for wigs with centre parting, go for side-parted wigs. In addition, if you want to go for bangs go with something like wisps or fringed. Avoid blunt-clipped bangs as it may make your face look more angular.
Heart-Shaped Face
Heart shaped faces are shapes closely related to a upside down triangle which means that the face has more at the brow line than at the jaw line. In order to make your face look symmetrical you need to look for wigs that have fullness at the bottom and doesn’t have much height at the crown or the sides. The wigs with chin-length bangs swept to the side would be a good option for the people with heart shaped face.
Oblong Face
Oblong shaped means having a face with narrow and long chin thus a long face. The goal while you are choosing a wig should be to opt for wigs, which would provide width to your face, and for that, you can go for curly or wavy wigs. The wigs whose length reaches till the middle of your neck would be a great option to add width to your face. You need to keep away from wigs that have layered cut or that are long and hanging.
Triangle Shaped Face
Triangle shaped face means having a face with narrow brow line and wider jaw line. If you have very narrow forehead, you can go for curly style or shapely-layered look to make your face look proportioned.
Narrow Shaped Face
If you have a very thin or narrow shaped face, you need to give it a round look to balance out your face. You can go for chic bob or bob with soft curls or waves on the top.