Breaking up with someone is one of the hardest things a person faces in the relationship, if at all that phase ever comes. Not only is it extremely difficult, but when you know you are the one who has to do the ‘deed’ it can become very awkward and daunting endeavor. So, you have decided to end the relationship with your girlfriend, the relationship that has turned out to be an emotional wreck. You may now wonder how you should free yourself from the emotional bond. Agreed, breaking up can be an extremely frightening task and is not easy to accomplish. It is nerve-racking and painful for both the parties. Breaking up with your girlfriend is likely to bring out intense emotions and mess things up. However, if it is handled properly, you won’t land up hurting her too much. Go through the article to get our expert tips on how to break up with your girlfriend without hurting her feelings.
Tips On Breaking Up With Your Girlfriend
Prepare Yourself
Before you decide to take the ‘big step’, it is very important to prepare yourself mentally. Breakups almost always come as a surprise to the partner, even if it is expected. You have been in this beautiful relationship with a girl for some time and now it is time to let go, because of certain elements that did not work out between the two of you. Before you decide to breakup with her in person, you will have to figure out whether this is what you want to do for real, before you make yourself look like a fool. Write down the reasons as to why you want to break-up and make sure they are legitimate reasons! Cry it out, scream at the top of your lungs or just cherish the fond memories you shared with the girl. All this will help you ease the pain before you break the news to her.Remember, when you break the news to your girlfriend, she may not take it too well and might emotionally break down or lose temper. In order to avoid any sort of complications later, it is best if you remain composed at the time of breaking the news to her and for that to happen, you must prepare yourself.
Do Not Tell Anyone Else
One of the worst things that could happen is if your girlfriend finds out about your intentions of breaking up with her, before you could even tell her in person. This should never take place; otherwise things could turn out to be very ugly. Once you have decided to end the relationship, make sure that your girlfriend is the first one to know and not any of your close friends or kin. Always know that, when breaking up with a person, you are dealing with another life and a person’s emotions. Thus, be respectful and tell the person concerned (in this case, your girlfriend), first.
Break The News
Breaking up with your girlfriend over the phone, sms or e-mail is a very crude, rather a disrespectful way of conveying that you are no more interested in her. Therefore, be courteous to tell her face-to-face that the feelings in relationship just don’t exist anymore. Choose an appropriate location; say a restaurant or a park, to break the news. Conveying the news in privacy is considered a respectable way of breaking up and allows space for any emotional drama that may follow.
Convey The Message Politely
While conveying your message, remember that you don’t have to beg, plead or ‘ask’ her to walk out of your life. You don’t have to be arrogant either. Say it in a mature way. Keep it simple. Do not go on narrating the history behind your judgment and details of your decision to break up with her. Come to the point and tell her exactly how things went sour. Maintain a significant dose of regret, while telling her the reality in a clear manner.
Handle Her Reaction
Breaking a relationship can bring intense emotions. She may get angry, confused or break down in tears! So, be ready to handle her reaction and be a gentleman. Girls get emotional very easily and it might even come as a shock. In order to avoid hassles later on, it is best to be with your girlfriend, support her and keep her emotionally strong till she has come to terms with the reality.
Avoid Blaming
The most important thing that you should do when you break up with your girlfriend is to avoid blaming her, especially if she is at fault. Rather, just mention the things that didn't work out. Taking accountability for some of your mistakes and accepting some of the ‘blame’ at this stage won’t hurt. Rather, it will make the breaking-up process a lot easier.
Leave Some Space
After letting her know about the decision, it is better leave her for few days. Bring communication—phones, text messages or e-mails—to a halt, for about a week or two. This will help you and your girlfriend adjust to the situation, where both of you lack presence in each other’s life. After that, you can try to maintain a cordial relation.
If you are about to breakup with your girlfriend, you have to definitely remember some pointers. One, you have to take it gently and take your time. Second, never become defensive; it will only lead to a bad ending, which is really not worth at this stage in your relationship. All the best!