Are you looking for information on green tea side effects? If yes, then read below to know more about the different side effects of drinking green tea.

Green Tea Side Effects

Although originated in China, green tea has become popular in other parts of the world as well for its immense health benefits. Green tea is a kind of tea that is made from the unfermented leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). As no fermentation process is involved in making of green tea, this variety of tea undergoes minimal oxidation during its processing. Green tea is extremely rich in antioxidants which help to reduce weight significantly, help preventing heart diseases, and minimize the chance of developing cancer. Green tea also helps to prevent tooth decay and dental plaque by killing the harmful bacteria. It is also believed that green tea is useful to improve the ratio between good and bad cholesterol and give relief to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. However, excessive consumption of green tea is not good for health either. The high content of caffeine and tannic acid can lead to several physical ailments if green tea is consumed for too long. People who are sensitive to caffeine may also show some adverse reactions. It is recommended to drink green tea in small quantity at the beginning to accustom the body slowly instead of drinking in large amount. To know more about different side effects of green tea, read on.
Side Effects Of Drinking Green Tea
  • Green tea has a high content of caffeine which can give rise to different side effects.
  • The caffeine content is as high as 40 mg per cup of green tea.
  • People who are sensitive to caffeine may show several side effect symptoms if drinking green tea regularly.
  • Some of the most common side effects of green tea include insomnia and sleeplessness. People who drink green tea may suffer from different sleep disorders like loss of sleep, hypertension, and irritability.
  • Too much intake of green tea can lead to stomach upset, nausea, frequent urination, heart palpitation, anxiety, skin rashes, and tremor.
  • People who are under certain medications like blood thinner, anti psychotic drugs, sedatives, beta blockers, weight loss products, adenosine, or certain antibiotics should refrain from taking green tea to avoid certain side effects.
  • Green tea can also lead to other side effects like skeletal fluorosis especially in middle aged people.
  • Green tea is rich in tannin acid which interferes with nutrient absorption. Children should not take green tea as it can weaken their bone and can cause dental problems as well.
  • Many children who are sensitive to green tea may also show allergic symptoms.
  • Some scientific studies have shown that green tea interferes with pregnancy and lead to birth defects in newborns. Green tea has high content of tannic acid, catechins, and caffeine which are associated with pregnancy risk. Pregnant women who indulge too much green tea can give birth to babies with neural tube defect. It is strongly recommended to avoid having green tea to have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.
  • Green tea is also known to reduce the absorption of thiamine. Deficiency of thiamine or vitamin B can lead to a disease called Beri Beri. This nervous system disorder is associated with weakness, pain in the limbs, edema, impaired sensory perception, weight loss, and irregular heart rate.
  • Some people believe that green tea can also cause kidney stones as green tea is rich in oxalic acid. Kidney stones are formed by mineral depositions including phosphate, calcium, uric acid, and oxalic acid.

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