Almost every other person wants to look muscular, but what foods do you eat to promote muscle growth? Read your way through this article to know more about foods for muscle growth.

Foods For Muscle Growth

Every man, worth his salt, craves to put on muscle, if he hasn’t already that is. This desire is there in both the genders. Women, generally, prefer the toned look as opposed to the beefy look that men pursue. At the end of the day, however, it can be safe to say that both men and women wouldn’t mind living with as much ‘muscle’ as they need or want. Sadly, however, putting on muscle is not as easy as people would like it to be. To put on muscle, what you really need is your own unique combination of exercises and nutrition. Most people, when looking to put on muscle, tend to focus on exercises and choose to ignore nutrition, truly a very unsafe practice. If you really want to put on muscle, you have also got to eat the right kind of foods. Read on to find out what kind of foods you need to be eating to put on some muscle! 

Foods That Promote Muscle Growth 

Don’t be surprised, but almonds can actually help you put on muscle. Did you know that a ¼ cup of almonds contains around eight grams of protein? This only stands to signify that your ¼ cup of almonds contains around two grams of protein more than an egg. Almonds also come with the added advantage of providing you with healthy monounsaturated fats and magnesium. So, if you are looking to build some serious muscle, feel free to stock up on almonds.  

You need protein to build muscle, and protein is found in plenty in a grain native to South America. The grain is known as quinoa and the protein it nourishes your body with is blessed with all the essential amino acids. It is also a gluten-free food and is easy to digest. It is no wonder then that quinoa is often referred to as the ‘mother of all grains’.

Although oysters are not too popular as foods that help to build muscle, they sure have what it takes to put on muscle. Oysters, in fact, are a well kept secret of bodybuilders and weightlifters. Hundred grams of cooked oysters comes with around twenty grams of protein and only five grams of fat, making it the ideal food for putting on muscle!

Cottage Cheese
Did you know that just ½ a cup of cottage cheese contains around fourteen grams of protein? This really is some serious protein. What also makes cottage cheese a winner is the fact that a ½ cup of it comes with only eighty calories and less than two grams of fat! 

As a kid your mom probably forced you to drink milk when you really despised it with all your heart. However, as an adult, if you are looking to build muscle, ignoring milk is not the best thing to do. Milk is muscle building fuel. It provides you with all the essential amino acids and its skimmed variants are low on fat too. If you are not too fond of the taste of milk, in its purest form, you can always opt for flavored milk. 

Lean Meat
Lean meat here stands to signify the cuts of meat that come without fat. For that ripped look you can zero in on lean beef. This can prove to be extremely helpful because around hundred grams of lean beef comes with around thirty grams of protein. However, it is important to mention here that hundred grams of lean beef comes with around eleven grams of fat and around 200-plus fats. This, however, shouldn’t scare you away from lean beef, one of the richest sources of protein known to man.

Fish for muscle is what fuel is to a bike. In other words, hundred grams of a fish, say salmon, can contain around 25-plus grams of protein, making it fuel that packs a punch enough to promote muscle growth. Fish is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and vitamin D. When choosing to gorge on fish to reap its health benefits, make sure it’s grilled as opposed to fried. 

Chicken And Eggs
Chicken, as muscle-building food, really ranks high on popularity because of the fact that around hundred grams of it comes with thirty-one grams of protein and just four grams of fat! An egg, on the other hand, comes with five to six grams of protein and just around sixty easily perishable calories. Here, as muscle building foods, chicken and eggs really make for two reliable ‘protein supplying rock stars’.

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