Binge drinking is often considered to be fun and is a popular way for many to hang out with friends. Binge drinking refers to taking different alcoholic beverages, such as shots, cocktails, beer, wine, etc in a short period of time, with the intention of getting drunk. Drinking games may also fall under binge drinking. Binge drinkers usually drink together as it is primarily a social activity. However, binge drinking can also be a solitary activity. Drinking excessively may lead to antisocial behavior as a result of the person getting inebriated. The adverse health effects of binge drinking are far-reaching. The most common health hazard of binge drinking is a hangover. Prolonged binge drinking may lead to other serious health hazards in the long run. Young people who are in the habit of binge drinking may damage their brains, thus leading to memory loss in their adulthood. Many research studies have confirmed that adolescents may damage their brains permanently from excessive drinking habits. Read on to find the different effects of binge drinking here in the sections that follow.
Effects Of Binge Drinking
Binge drinking regularly stresses the liver and can lead to liver diseases.
The most common diseases that occur due to regular binge drinking are liver ‘cirrhosis’ and ‘hepatitis’.
Binge drinking may also lead to kidney problems and pancreatitis.
Binge drinking may also lead to mood swings, tiredness, and can also disrupt the regular sleep patterns.
Research studies confirm that binge drinking can be a source for depression, anxiety, altered mental health etc and may invoke suicidal tendencies in a person.
Binge drinking is also associated with the risk of alcohol dependency.
A binge drinker may feel sick and nauseated. Many drinkers rush to vomit after a heavy drinking episode.
Excessive drinking may also impair judgment ability and disrupt the coordination of body movements.
Binge drinkers often suffer from confusion and might find it difficult to walk steadily. This may lead to accidents, developing bruises, suffering from cuts, broken bones, etc.
Binge drinkers complain of terrible headaches when they get up, and cannot remember events that occurred during the drinking episode.
Excessive drinking increases the rate of heart attacks and stroke.
Binge drinking is associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases, irregular breathing and other breathing conditions.
Binge drinking exposes a person to the dangers of contracting STD or AIDS by indulging in unprotected sexual activities often with unknown partners.
Binge drinking may also lead to infertility.
Hand-eye coordination problem is another probable effect of binge drinking.
Serious brain disorders like ‘Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome’ (WKS) are also caused due to binge drinking.
Spree drinking can kill the brain cells.
Other Binge Drinking Effects
Cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat, liver and breast
Lung, stomach and intestinal problems
Skin problems
Birth defects in children born to women who drink heavily during pregnancy
Impaired brain function
Weight gain and obesity
How To Stop Binge Drinking
Stay away from alcopops. These sugary drinks taste like soda, but have high levels of alcohol content.
Avoid drinking on an empty stomach as it can make you feel sick. Drinking after having a big meal will take time to get you drunk and you won’t drink too much.
Go out with a friend who doesn’t drink.