Chukar Partridge is mainly found in Turkey, Mediterranean islands, Russia, china, Pakistan, and India. Read on to know interesting facts and amazing information about this bird.

Facts About Chukar Partridge

Chukar Partridge is also known as 'Indian Chukar', 'Red-legged Partridge', 'Rock Partridge', 'Indian Hill Partridge', 'Chukka', 'Chukkar', 'Chukor', 'Chukore', 'Chikone', 'Kabk', 'Kau-Kau', and 'Keklik'. The bird is mostly gray in color, with shades of brown in the tail and secondary wing feathers. It has a white face and red-colored legs. The bird can be easily identified with a black band running down to below the neck from the eyes, which gives the impression of a necklace. Both the male and female Chukars are strikingly similar in appearance; only the females are slightly smaller than the males and have a smaller spur. These birds make a very loud and peculiar sound.  Follow the article to know more interesting facts and amazing information on Chukar Partridge.
Facts About Chukar Partridge
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Species: A. chukar
Genus: Alectoris
Height: 32–35 cm
Weight: 600-700 gm
Diet: Seeds and insects
Habitat: Open, rocky, dry mountain slopes, hillsides, or canyon walls
Gestation Period: 24 days
Interesting & Amazing Information On Chukar Partridges
  • Chukar partridge was earlier considered to be conspecific with Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca), though now, it is considered to be a distinct species. The species has been successfully introduced as a game bird in western North America, Hawaiian Islands, England and New Zealand.
  • Chukar is the national bird of Pakistan, whose name has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘chakur’. In Indian and Pakistani culture, it is symbolic of intense, and often unrequited, love. In Indian mythology, this bird is said to be in love with the moon and constantly gaze at it
  • During the mating season, Chukar male guards the immediate area around the female. It often leaves the female after egg-laying. The mating occurs from late March to August. The birds lay one to two eggs per day.
  • The nests of this bird species are often located on talus slopes or slopes with rocky outcrops, above streams. Nesting Chukar may be found within 2 km of water. These birds line their nests with leaves and feathers and camouflage them under shrubs or among rocks.
  • While Chukars feed on a wide variety of seeds and some insects. Downy Brome (Cheatgrass) is the favorite food of this bird species. During the breeding season, the Chukars feed in pairs.
  • These birds are known to have a preference for rocky, steep, and open hillsides. In United States, Oregon, Nevada and Idaho are the leading states in terms of feral Chukar population. However, one can find Chukars in almost all the Western states in isolated population.
  • This species of birds has comparatively remained unaffected by harms caused by hunting and loss of habitat. One reason for this is that Chukars choose remote and physically demanding terrains. Weather patterns during the breeding season, however, have been responsible for affecting the population statistics of these birds.

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