Hair must be handled with care. It is delicate and if we fail to treat it well, then it is highly susceptible to damage. If you are one amongst the hordes of ladies who completely depend upon hairdryers and hair straighteners for beautification, it is time you realize that excessive use of such modern technology will inevitably lead to hair quality downfall, if not hair fall! Too much of heat and strain on our precious hair causes dryness in the long run. Why ruin the natural texture of our hair ? It’s perfectly normal to be experimental, but understand the simple fact that howsoever we may try; we cannot coerce the follicles to behave in a way that they aren’t predisposed to. We should seek methods that encourage sustenance of fabulous long locks, instead of abusing the strands until they turn dry and jaded. Hair will always be a lady's most treasured asset and it is her responsibility to be well aware of the causes of damaged hair. Browse through the rest of this article to answer majority of your queries.

The major constituents that make up the texture of hair are certain proteins, primarily keratin. If not for keratin, the hard fibrous nature of one's hair would cease to exist. Proteins prevent breakdown of hair. The harsh effect of hairdryers, straighteners, heat lamps and even curling tongs are infamous for damaging the rich content of keratin in one's hair. Hence, it is better to minimize usage of these appliances and conserve the essential level of keratin present in and around the follicles of your tresses.
Perms, bleach and other chemical treatments all contribute to the damaged hair as they cause the cuticles of one's hair strands to swell and eventually chip off with time. They ruin the protein bonds and delicate internal structure of one's hair strands.
If you run a brush through your long locks a tad bit too often, trouble might be on the cards. A hundred strokes a day or any sort of friction can be detrimental! Treat your hair like your own baby. That means do not be rough!
Your diet plays an important role in the healthy sustenance of your lovely long locks. If you intend on having healthy skin, hair and nails, enrich your daily diet with good food and fatty acids such as salmon, tuna and flaxseed oil. If your diet witnesses a shortage of oily fish and the like, the reflection of your hair won't be too pretty either!
People with oily hair are usually recommended to use shampoo and hair conditioner frequently, while those with dry hair should be wary of these products as one's condition may only worsen. Hence, they should limit their dosages of shampoo or conditioners, as these can strip away the much needed oil from one's hair. Stick to mild shampoos under these precarious circumstances.
If you so happen to be an ardent fan of swimming, it is highly advisable that you carry with you a swimming cap. The domineering content of chlorine in every swimming pool can cause intense damage to the roots of one's hair. Thus, to be on the safer side, make sure you cloak your scalp to the maximum before you move ahead for the dive.
Too much of everything is bad and too little won't reap the desired benefits. This is exactly why we shouldn't overuse the conditioner and neither should we use too little of it. It is in our best interest to ensure that all the nutrients are absorbed into the roots. Leave the conditioner on for about three minutes. Allow the hair to soak up as much as moisture as it can before you wash it all off.
The scorching hot rays of the sun invariably cause the high protein bonds in our hair to diminish and deteriorate. The ultraviolet rays are bound to pose terrible hazards to chemically processed hair. Even winter creates an environment conducive for damaging hair. Since there is a drop in the level of moisture in the air, hair gets tangled and cuticles roughened.