Sleek, smooth and vibrant hair - this is the dream of almost everyone. However, the busy pace of life tends to take its toll on our hair, often making it look like the ends of a broom. Damaged hair looks brittle, dull and frizzy, and this can mar the overall charm of even the most beautiful face. There are numerous reasons for hair damage. These include stress, wrong diet, pollution and improper hair care. If you are also struggling with the same problem, it is high time you took steps to help your hair get back that healthy look that nature had given it. You would of course, have to remember that this does not happen overnight. Getting rid of damaged hair requires loads of time and patience, along with the right steps in hair care. Contrary to the advertisements seen across fashion magazines, you do not need to empty your wallet in order to get great tresses. With the minimum expenditure, but the right methods, you can look gorgeous within a matter of time. The following tips on how to repair damaged hair will surely help you look and feel your best.

Tips To Take Care Of Damaged Hair
- Make a conditioner at home by mixing egg and olive oil. Use this on your hair, once a week, for about a month. To make one application, whisk an egg yolk with two tablespoon of olive oil, in a bowl. Apply this on your hair, especially focusing on the ends. Leave this on for a few minutes and then rinse off with water, before shampooing your hair.
- Get your hair trimmed at least once in a month. These trims will help you get rid of damaged hair and will encourage faster hair growth. Getting regular trims has proved to be a very effective way to get rid of damaged hair.
- While using a hair dryer, try a diffuser setting at low-heat or cool setting. Using a diffuser in a low-heat setting also helps in untangling and treating frizzy and brittle hair. With hair irons, try to use the lowest heat setting.
- If you like swimming, remember that this can be one of the reasons for damaged hair. Make sure to shampoo and rinse your hair properly after every swim. Try to do this as soon as possible, after you have taken a dip.
- Dry and damaged hair can benefit from Vitamin E treatments. Make your own vitamin-enriched shampoo with the help of Vitamin E capsules. Break open five to six capsules, and combine the content with your favorite shampoo. This will make your locks look shiner, smoother and much healthier.
- Deep conditioning and hot oil treatments are the best aids for damaged hair. To get the best result out of your conditioner, tie a hot damp towel around your head after applying it on your hair. It will help the conditioner to penetrate deeper into your hair. After a few minutes, rinse it off.