Dietary modifications should be introduced by those suffering from the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, to prevent foods that irritate the bowel. Read the article to know the common diet plan for IBS.

Common Diet For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), also known as Spastic Colon, is a condition that adversely affects the digestion of a person, leading to discomfort and chronic abdominal pain. There is no precise cure for IBS, since its specific cause is not known, but dietary adjustments help in relieving the symptoms of this gastrointestinal disorder. Generally, infections are considered to be the cause behind IBS. It is difficult to determine the right diet for IBS, because foods that may aggravate the syndrome in some people are not bothersome for others. Therefore, IBS diet can vary from person to person. Still, in the following lines, we have provided information on the common diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which works in most of the cases.
Common IBS Diet Plans
High Fiber-Low Fat
A high fiber-low fat diet is recommended for people suffering from diarrhea caused by IBS. Reducing fat consumption helps avoid counter-reactions caused by fiber intake. A diet high on roughage will help you keep more regular, in terms of the bowel movement. Dietary fiber is provided by grains, cereals, beans, fruit and vegetables. In this diet, you have switch over to whole grain breads, from white bread. Brown rice, carrots and cucumber are also a good option. Take care to gradually increase the fiber intake in your diet as consuming high levels of fiber right away may aggravate the symptoms of IBS.
Low Residue Foods
Low residue is suggested to people whose IBS condition is exacerbated by a high-fiber diet. Applesauce, low-fat mashed potatoes, grated apples without the skin, Avocado, cream of rice, smooth peanut butter, tapioca are low residue foods which help in the condition of Diarrhea. Make sure that you keep your fat consumption low by inducing low-fat foods in your diet.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Diarrhea can make the body dehydrated, due to loss of fluids. It is important to note that drinking plenty of water will help maintain the normal water level of the body, as lost liquids will be compensated for. Drinks should be consumed at room temperature, than at hot or cold temperatures. High water consumption will also help those who are suffering from constipation due to IBS.
Foods To Be Avoided
Alcohol, soda, chocolate, and coffee (and other caffeinated drinks) can worsen the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Foods containing high amount of saturated fats, such as butter, mayonnaise, cream, French fries, ice cream, red meats, may also cause problems. Broccoli, cauliflower, bagels, cabbage, beans, legumes, and Brussels sprouts are some of the other food items which, when consumed raw and in large quantities, can make IBS situation worse.
  • Milk should be avoided by people who are lactose intolerant. At the same time, citrus fruits and artificial sweeteners should not be consumed.
  • All foods that are to be avoided may not actually flare-up your IBS symptoms. It has already been said that while some foods may not suit you, they may be perfectly alright for other people suffering from IBS. Each IBS case is different from the other. So, figure out what suits you, and accordingly introduce changes in your diet.

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