Gerd diet is especially recommended for people suffering from Acid Reflux. Check out Gerd diet plan and foods.

Gerd Diet

Acid reflux is a disorder that is quite common among people. However, when it takes a serious form, it becomes a disease that can lead to serious health complications in the long run. Gerd is basically short for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and is the later stage of GER, Gastroesophageal Reflux. This occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (muscle valve that separates stomach and esophagus) opens up on its own, due to which the contents of the stomach, like acids, rise up to the esophagus. This causes a burning sensation in the throat and chest or acid indigestion. Occasionally, this may happen to almost everyone and that does not mean you have GER. If it happens more than 3-4 times a week, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Gerd Diet Foods
People suffering from Gerd need to take extra precautions while having food. They should avoid alcohol and acidic fruits, along with chocolates, fried foods, caffeine and spicy foods. People who smoke and drink should try to curb the habit, as it worsens the condition. A dietician will chart out the diet plan for Gerd depending on the age, weight and sex of the patient, among other factors. However, we have given a list of Gerd foods that should typically be consumed during your treatment and afterwards.
Foods To Be Eaten
  • Fruits- Apple (fresh, dried & juice), Banana
  • Vegetables- Baked potato, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green beans and peas.
  • Meat- chicken breast (Skinless), egg whites, fish (no added fat), ground beef (extra-lean) and steak (London broil).
  • Dairy- cream cheese (fat-free), feta or goat cheese, sour cream (fat-free) and soy cheese (low-fat).
  • Grains- bread (multi-grain or white), cereal (bran or oatmeal), corn bread, graham crackers, pretzels, rice (brown or white) and rice cakes.
Foods That Should Be Avoided
Strictly avoid foods mentioned below, as they will trigger the disease and will have an adverse effect on the stomach acid and esophagus.
  • Strictly avoid convenient foods like fast foods, spicy, greasy and ready to eat foods, as they will stimulate the production of stomach acid and will give you sleepless nights.
  • Avoid certain fruits and vegetables (no matter how favorite they are) from your list, the moment you feel that they have developed some acid in your stomach. The best examples of these are potatoes, tomatoes, citrus fruits and onions.
  • Chocolates and coffee should be avoided strictly, along with desserts that have high cream content in them.
  • Bid adieu to alcohol, as it will help in making a high content of acid in your stomach.
  • If low cream dairy products are not suitable for you, avoid them completely, as they contribute in upsetting your stomach and cause acid reflux in the body. However, the end result may vary from person to person.
  • Avoid foods rich in fats, as they delay stomach emptying and lead to reflux problem.
Lifestyle Modifications
  • Eat your meal, 2 to 3 hours before sleeping.
  • Avoid taking large meals; instead have small meals many times a day, as it will avoid prolonged empty stomach, a known cause for major upset stomach and bloating.
  • Sleep on the left side of the body, to avoid reflux problem at night.
  • Reduce weight. People with abdominal obesity should avoid wearing tight clothes on that part of the body.

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