Technology has made us irrevocably dependent on it in a way that its benefits just cannot be overstated. This article sheds more light on technology and its benefits in various fields.

Benefits Of Technology

Were it not for technology, you wouldn’t have been reading this article. Our civilization has come a long way since the art of making fire and creating handcrafted tools. Man has been powered by his imagination and inquisitive character since time immemorial. The indefatigable quest for truth has led to many a scientific discovery and innovation – intentional and accidental. Thanks to some important inventions and discoveries, the world has become smaller and more responsive and we are much better off. From telephones to the internet, calculators to computers, cars to rockets and satellites, we are submerged in a sea of discoveries. We owe it to technology for making our lives simpler, easier and faster and bringing luxuries to the common pedestal. It has progressed by leaps and bounds in the past few decades making us efficient in executing complex tasks. If you are seeking information on the benefits of technology, the section below will elaborate on how technology has benefitted us through developments in its various fields of use.

Benefits From Technology

Technology And Communication
  • Communication has now become cheaper, quicker and more efficient.
  • We can now communicate with anyone around the globe through text messaging or sending an email for an almost instantaneous response.
  • The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication for people in different parts of the world
  • Communication in disaster situations has been enhanced by technology.  
  • More people can be reached rapidly and their response can also be felt immediately.
  • Email and instant messaging has enhanced communication between cultures and families. It enables global communication and exchange of views. 
Technology And Healthcare
  • Communication between patients and doctors has become easier, more personal, flexible and more sensitive.
  • Medical research has led to the eradication of many diseases and ailments.
  • Personal records of patients are maintained, which makes it easier to study symptoms and carry out diagnosis of previously unexplainable conditions.
  • Several medical aids have helped people overcome many medical conditions which they had to live with earlier.
  • Physicians can follow-up, provide advice, and re-direct patients to resources on the Internet. This saves cost and time by reducing office visits.
  • Medical devices allow patients to continue recovery at home reducing their hospital stay.
  • Costs of medical procedures and operations have fallen dramatically over the decades
  • Technology aids the very young, elderly, and patients with complex birth defects, chronic illnesses, and disabled children by alleviating their problems so that they can continue living in their homes. 
Technology And Business
  • Technology is an integral part of any business, right from the purchase of computers and software to the implementation of network and security tools.
  • Business organizations can remain up-to-date and drive the business forward. It also helps them sustain and survive competition.
  • Company accounts and customer records can be easily stored and accessed, and this increases the market penetration of the business.
  • Global collaborations and partnerships are easier to start and maintain, and this benefits everyone involved in international business.
  • Companies have become more profitable with the help of various advanced machines and equipment resulting in a raised standard of living.
  • Costs of production have fallen dramatically due to automated processes.
  • Research and development has become far more advanced than ever, and this leads to the invention of ground breaking technology.
Technology And Education
  • E-learning and online education has made it very simple and systematic for an individual to receive personal attention.
  • Learners are able to take control and manage their own learning.
  • Students can pick their own curriculum with ease, and set their own personal targets.
  • Most e-learning programs provide immediate feedbacks on learner assessments. Features such as chat, discussion boards and e-libraries allow clarifications at a faster pace than in traditional classrooms.
  • Satellite technology is used to teach children in remote communities. Technology proffers high quality education and opportunities for future career development.
  • The use of computers and technology in classrooms has opened up a whole new method of teaching and effective learning.
  • Distance learning has become much easier leading to a rise in the number of people who receive education.
These are some of the benefits of technology. Technology, if used constructively and with discretion, can be a huge boon.

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