Analogous color scheme is the closest color to nature. Read below to learn more on analogous color scheme.

Analogous Color Scheme

Color can give rise to a variety of moods and emotions. In nature, the dominant colors are soft and soothing. As such, they are very pleasing to the eye. But not all colors or a combination of colors provide a sense of harmony. Some colors are so loud that they look harsh and disturbing. When using a combination of colors, it is very necessary that a balance is maintained, so that the colors appear aesthetic and appealing. Only when the colors match and blend with each other do they provide a sense of serenity and comfort. This is why out of all the color schemes; it is the analogous color scheme that is most soothing and easy to work with. Analogous colors are rich and so using them, convey cheerfulness and vibrancy. That is why analogous color forms a major part of nature. So, if you want to explore the various analogous color schemes, you, now, know where you need to head forward to. Just open the windows and expose yourself to the spectacular beauty of nature. Read the article given below to learn more on analogous colors.
Characteristics Of Analogous Color Scheme
To understand the analogous color scheme, you need to first understand the color wheel and the various color schemes. Once you get this fact right, understanding the analogous color scheme would be extremely easy.
Color Wheel
The color wheel is a circle that includes twelve distinct colors. The color wheel establishes a relationship between the different color groups. The colors are arranged in the wheel, according to their wavelengths of light. The colors that are included in the wheel are primary colors which include blue, red and yellow, secondary colors that comprise of green, orange and violet and tertiary colors which consist of red-orange, red-violet, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-violet and blue-green
Color Scheme
Color scheme is basically the choice of color that is used in a range of media. In any media, the use of color scheme is very important to create style and appeal. The use of colors that match together creates an aesthetic appeal. Such an arrangement and matching of colors forms the foundation of the color scheme. A basic color scheme consists of the use of two colors, while an advanced color scheme incorporates the use of several colors based around a single color. Sometimes, color schemes can also contain the use of different shades of a single color.
Analogous Color Combinations
  • The combinations of colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel are known as analogous colors. In this color scheme, one color is used as a dominant color, while the next is secondary. There is a third color that is also used. It forms an accent and is basically used to enrich the effect.
  • Analogous color scheme looks aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. It also widely occurs in nature. Analogous colors exude cheerfulness and brightness. These colors are also very effective in accommodating different moods.
  • Analogous color scheme looks similar to the monochromatic color scheme, but it is even richer. However, since it lacks color contrast, it is not all that vibrant.
  • Since this scheme mainly aims at giving a harmonious effect, too many hues shouldn’t be used, as it can ruin the effect. The best is to use three colors next to each other. Also, you shouldn’t combine the warm and cool colors in the same scheme. Make sure that there is enough contrast.
  • Analogous colors can become monotonous. As such, to develop interest, you should use a variety of intensities and arrangements. You can also do this by emphasizing the dominant color, either by giving it a large area or making it more intense.

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