Indulge in water jogging and help your body recover from various injuries and pains. Read on to get tips on how to do aquatic jogging and tone up your muscles, in a relaxing manner.

How To Do Aquatic Jogging

With fitness being the new mantra, people, today, are resorting to new and different ways to be fit, without taxing themselves much. As such, water sports are gaining immense popularity. Water sports, like aquatic jogging, swimming and water aerobics are considered to be one of the best ways of losing weight and strengthening the body muscles, all in a fun manner. Water jogging, amongst the entire aquatic workout regimen, is the simplest and the most beneficial exercise. It not only helps in keeping your body toned and fit, but also increases your speed, endurance and muscle strength. The beauty of any water exercise like aquatic jogging is that there is reduced possibility of any injury to the body, as the buoyancy and the airiness of water serves as a cushion for the body. By performing the water jogging exercises, you will not only build lean muscles, but will also have a stronger heart and an enhanced body posture. The lines to follow will provide you few essential water jogging tips.
Water Jogging Tips
Things Required
  • Fitting Swimsuit
  • Aqua Jogging Belt
  • Water-proof Stopwatch
  • Water Runners
  • The swimming pool is the best place for an aquatic jogging program. All you need to do is get into your swimming suit, take a shower and splash into the pool. For non swimmers, it is advisable to wear a life jacket and take position in the shallow end of the pool.
  • Next, walk or swim to the part of the pool where you want to perform the exercise.
  • Hold the edge of the pool and stand up straight with your feet touching the pool surface, your knees slightly bent and relaxed. When you are in position, start jogging at your place.
  • Set your time based on your stamina and comfort level, keeping in mind that aqua jogging will make you tired faster than regular jogging. Breathe continuously and normally through your nose.
  • Once you get used to the water jogging program, increase the difficulty level or the length of time you jog. However, whether you are increasing the length of your time or moving on to a more difficult level of jogging, make sure that you continue to breathe normally. You can even make use of water weights or paddles to intensify the exercise regimen to increase your endurance and strength.
  • Once you have completed the exercise, walk out carefully from the pool as water would have affected your balance.
Deep Water Jogging
Deep water jogging is done in a deep pool, without your feet touching the pool surface. You can use a floating belt to float on the surface of the pool to make your jogging easier. In such an exercise, there is absolutely no contact between you and the surface of the pool, which makes the jogging perfect for people with sore knees. To perform the deep water jogging properly, lean a bit forward in the water, avoiding the straight up-and-down posture, as it would not have a proper impact. Once in motion, start the jogging action by bringing the knees up and down as in regular jogging. While moving your knees, pump your arms along with your fists closed. This exercise will have a higher impact on your muscles.

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