Curry powder is a zesty blend of hot spices that is both good for your taste buds and health. Know more on the nutrition & health benefits of eating curry powder & also explore its nutritional value.

Health Benefits Of Curry Powder

If you love spicy food, but have been warned time and again against consuming it, here is some good news for you. Curry powder is not only tantalizing for your taste buds, but comes packed with additional health values too. Curry powder is a zesty mix of medicinally potent spices like turmeric, cardamom, chilli, cumin, and coriander that does wonders for your health. Some spices, especially the hot ones, contain phytochemicals that averts cell damage and other chronic ailments. What more, curry powder is believed to be good for your brain, boost memory and protect against Alzheimer disease and cancer too. So, if you thought that curry powder was best used to spice up bland food, considering the health benefits may surprise you. Since they come with mild pungent taste, adding them to your curries, sandwiches, soups and stews will not just enhance the taste, it will benefit your health too. So, all you need to do is just flavor up your food with this useful blend of spices and see yourself glow. Read on for more on nutritional value of curry powder and the many health benefits of eating it.
Nutritional Value Of Curry Powder
Amount of Curry Powder: 1 tbsp
Total Weight of Curry Powder: 6g
Basic Components
0.8 g
4.5 mg
0.6 g
0.3 g
Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein
Total Carbohydrate
3.6 g
Dietary Fiber
2.1 g
0.2 g
Fats & Fatty Acids
Total Fat
0.9 g
Saturated Fat
0.1 g
Monounsaturated Fat
0.3 g
Polyunsaturated Fat
0.2 g
Total Omega-3 Fatty Acids
26.8 mg
Total Omega-6 Fatty Acids
133 mg
Vitamin A
61.6 I.U.
Vitamin C
0.7 mg
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol)
1.4 mg
Vitamin K
6.2 mcg
0.2 mg
Vitamin B6
0.1 mg
9.6 mcg
4.0 mg
1.8 mg
29.9 mg
1.8 mg
15.9 mg
21.8 mg
96.4 mg
0.3 mg
0.1 mg
0.3 mg
1.1 mcg
Health & Nutrition Benefits Of Eating Curry Powder
  • Curry powder contains curcumin, a naturally active pigment responsible for giving turmeric its characteristic yellow color. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory agent that helps to reduce inflammation of the joints.
  • Curcumin is also believed to deactivate genes responsible for triggering breast cancer. It is also effective against slowing down of prostate and colorectal cancers. Regular consumption of curry powder helps to stabilize pancreatic cancer.
  • Since curry powder is rich in turmeric, a medicinally potent spice, it helps to fight against skin cancer too. Curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, interferes with melanoma cells. Tests in laboratory dishes show that curcumin makes melanoma skin cancer cells to self-destruct in a process known as apoptosis.
  • Consuming curry powder on an everyday basis is known to boost memory. Studies have proved that people who consumed dishes spiced with curry powder did well in memory tests.
  • Curry powder helps to treat several sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • Because of its anti-ageing properties, curry powder is used extensively to fight skin ageing, against the synthetic chemicals that comes laden with side effects. It is also extensively used to treat skin burns and cuts.
  • Curcumin present in curry powder is believed to fight against Alzheimer’s disease. One of the major causes of Alzheimer is a plaque that debilitates the victims. Curcumin effectively blocks Alzheimer causing plaque, subsequently protecting the brain.
  • Did you know that many over-the-counter drugs used for arthritis contains curcumin? Curry powder is known to be helpful for people suffering from arthritis, especially ones who are allergic to synthetic drugs. The best aspect of the spice is that it is a side-effect free solution to your pain.

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