Hoemopathy, the branch of medicine that is increasingly gaining popularity, uses a combination of traditional and modern methods of healing and treatment. It was developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the latter half of eighteenth century. It gained significance when the alternative movement began in the mid-twentieth century and has been considered one of the few branches that were not based only on treatment of the symptoms but also the healing of the patients’ bodies. In fact, it has many similarities with traditional medicines of China as well as India, for example the use of herb extracts. Its most significant extracts are Arnica and Chamomilla. Chamomile or German Chamomile gave rise to this name and it has many a significance in today’s world too, for instance, it can be used to cure insomnia, which many people suffer from.
Chamomilla is a homeopathic preparation or medicine that is obtained from Matricaria or German Chamomile. It was introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann in 1805 and, since then, has been considered an important remedial medicine when it comes to homeopathic practice. In fact, the German Chamomille has its utility not only in homeopathy, but also in aromatherapy as well as traditional Chinese medicine. It is a mild stimulant; the flowers as well as the oil extracted from crushing the whole plant are used for various purposes and to cure various ailments.
The extract of the Chamomile plant is used in a variety of healing applications, since ancient times. Chamomile grows all over Europe and also in some parts of South East Asia. It is related to the daisy family and has strongly scented leaves and flowers with white petals and yellow centers. The name chamomile is derived from two Greek words – chamai that means "ground" and melon which means "apple," because chamomile leaves smell somewhat like apples, and because the plant grows close to the ground.
Benefits of Chamomilla
- There are evidences to prove that chamomilla can cure insomnia. The flowers of the chamomile plant are dried, crushed and given as mild sedatives. Since in many cases, insomnia is related to depression and most often each of them aggravates the other, so chamomilla is also effective in treating depression.
- Chamomilla is used as a muscle relaxant for those who have to work out too often and also for those women who feel spasm and cramps during menstruation.
- For skin ailments and other issues that concern the skin, chamomilla is a boon. Skin infections and feelings of discomfiture that is associated with burns and other kind of injuries are often treated with chamomilla.
- Children's problems such as teething and the pain associated with it, colicky pains and disturbed sleep are often treated with chamomilla and doctors recommend the usage of homeopathic medicines rather than traditional medicine.
- Those who suffer from extreme pain in their ears during the changing of seasons should make use of this therapeutic concoction.
- People who have extremely sensitive teeth – the kind that send out sharp pins of painful sensation with both cold foods like ice creams and too warm foods like soups – should definitely find relief with chamomilla.