Our future depends on how we conserve water. Read the article below on ways to save water.

Ways To Save Water

The world is at a stage where the amount of water that can be used is shrinking alarmingly. According to some estimates in the next 50 years, the growth in the world population will lead to the decrease in drinking water by 40%, which will further decrease if the current rate of wastage continues. Though it seems that the earth is surrounded by water, it is only a small percentage that is usable and most of this is locked in glaciers and ice caps. Of this usable water, only a tiny percentage is drinkable and so you can understand why we need to save water, cutting down on all wastages. Another reason to save water is that to convert water into usable or drinking condition requires enormous expense and the use of other natural resources. The more you waste, the more negative impact it has on the environment. Now the water is being used faster than it can be replenished and so two-thirds of the population is left without safe drinking water. Consider this, the simple act of keeping the tap turned off while brushing saves around 25 gallons of water a month. That is why, it is necessary that we save every drop so that one day humanity doesn’t vanish because of the lack of a single drop. In the article given below are the various ways in which you can save water.
How To Save Water? 
  • Fix all your leaky taps. Taps that drip water is one of the foremost reasons of water wastage. According to an estimate, taps that drip one drop per second waste approximately 7000 liters per year. So, if you can fix all the pipes and taps, that drip, you will contribute towards saving a lot of water.
  • Also, periodically check your water systems for any leaks. One good way is to check your monthly water bill and the amount of water usage. In this way, you can know if there are any leaks and also how much water you are saving.
  • Don’t wash your dishes and clothes in running water. Instead, fill the sink or the bucket with water and rinse your dishes and clothes in it. This will greatly minimize the loss of water. If you are using a dishwasher or a clothes washer then use only when they are full. In this way, you can save up to 1000 gallons of water a month.
  • Use those refrigerators and air conditioners that are upgraded with water saving technology.
  • When washing cars or watering plants, do not use the hose. Instead, wash with a sponge and a bucket of water. Similarly, it is more efficient if you water the plants with a mug. When washing or watering it is always better to use the waste water instead of throwing it down the drain.
  • If there are sprinklers in your lawn then adjust them so that only your lawn is watered and not the sidewalk and other areas of the house.
  • When washing vegetables and fruits it is better to wash them in a bowl of water rather than in running water. This water can then be used to wash your house or watering your plants.
  • Fish tanks must be cleaned regularly. Don’t throw the water from the fish tanks. Instead, use it for gardening, as this water is also nutrient rich.
  • Adopt rainwater harvesting methods. You can store this and use for various purposes around the house.
  • Upgrade your toilets in water efficient models.
  • Instead of using running water to defrost food, use the microwave.
  • Water the plants during the morning and evenings as in sunlight there is greater evaporation. Also, add mulch to the plants as this helps the plants in retaining the moisture and also traps the water from seeping into the ground. Adding mulch will make you use less water on the plants.

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