Did you know that ducks sleep with one eye open? Go through this article, to know more interesting facts and amazing information on ducks.

Facts About Ducks

Ducks, also called waterfowl, are aquatic birds, most often seen swimming in flocks in waters. Though they are close kin of geese and swans, they are often confused for other water birds like loons, grebes and coots. A female duck is called ‘hen’ and has orange beak and dull-brown feathers, unlike the drake (male duck) which has extravagant green plumage and wide flat yellow beak. The males use their colorful plumage to attract partners during the mating season. Many species of ducks are temporarily flightless when moulting. Ducks usually mate during the winters. There are different kinds of ducks like the diving ducks, sea ducks and dabbling ducks. While sea ducks feed deep underwater, dabbling ducks scours both water and land for food. To know more interesting and amazing information on this aquatic bird, read on.
Facts About Ducks
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Species: Various
Weight: 8 lbs
Lifespan: 2-20 years
Diet: Grasses, aquatic plans, fish, insects, small amphibians, worms and small molluscs
Habitat: Fresh water and sea water
Gestation Period: 30 days
Number of Offspring: 15 eggs
Interesting & Amazing Information On Ducks 
  • Ducks are related to geese and swans, but unlike their cousins, ducks have shorter necks and wings and a stout body.
  • Did you know that a duck never walks but waddles? Ducks are born with webbed feet that act as paddles, which assist them to swim fast.
  • Ever wondered how a duck can swim in icy cold water, even when the weather is freezing? Ducks have no nerves or blood vessels in their feet. Hence, they never feel hot or cold.
  • Another interesting fact about ducks is that they have waterproof feathers. These birds have special glands called ‘Preen Glands’ around their tail that protects their outer covers from getting drenched. The inner part of this wing is stuffed with soft fluffy feathers that help them to stay warm.
  • Ducks usually use their beaks to keep themselves clean. They often use their beak to preen themselves. They also use feathers plucked from their chest to line their nests.
  • Ducks were once wild until they were domesticated by the Chinese many hundreds of years ago.
  • You will be surprised to know that ducks have three eyelids. The bird also boasts of having a keen vision.
  • Ducks are very adjustable and can stay in all weather conditions, a trait that explains their copious presence all over the globe.
  • Another most interesting fact about duck is that they sleep with half their brains awake. Ducks sleep with one eye open when they are located on the edge of sleeping groups. Ducks have an extremely special ability to detect predators in less than a second.
  • Duck eggs have tiny pores that help draw in respiratory gas as well as water vapor to assist breathing.
  • Baby ducks are born with their eyes open and a warm coat and do not rely entirely on their parents for food. In fact ducklings are ready to leave the nest within hours of hatching.
  • A duck lays more eggs in daylight. In the months of July to December when daylight is short, they slow down their production of eggs. Sometimes, ducks stop laying eggs completely during these months.

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