Treating nosebleeds is not difficult, especially if you know the correct things to do. With this article, learn how to treat & stop nose bleeding.

Treating Nosebleeds

Nosebleed is a problem that is seen in many people, especially in the fall and winter season. During this time, it is very easy to catch upper respiratory infections, which result in the nose becoming crusty and eventually, end up bleeding. This is true in case of anterior nosebleeds, which take place in the front portion of the nose. Posterior nosebleeds, which occur in the rear portion of the nose, are much more serious and require immediate medical attention. Whatever be the type, it is necessary to stop nose bleeding as soon as possible. Read on further to get some tips on treating nosebleeds. 
Home Remedies for Nosebleeds 
  • With the help of your thumb and forefinger, pinch your nose. Applying moderate pressure, squeeze the midsection of your nose and continue to hold the position for around 15 minutes.
  • Keep breathing through your mouth.
  • Lean you head forward, not backward. This will help prevent the blood from trickling down your throat and creating a gagged feeling.
  • Apply a cold, soft compress around your nose. Throughout the process, continue pinching the nose between your fingers.
  • After you feel that the bleeding has stopped, lie down and elevate your head above your heart (while lying down). This will help alleviate the nasal pressure.
  • Turn on a vaporizer in your room. It will help keep the mucus membranes moist and prevent the nosebleed from taking place again.
  • Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the inside of the nostrils, with your fingertips. This will help keep the nasal passages moist and prevent the nosebleed from recurring.
  • After the nose bleeding stops, avoid blowing your nose for the next 24 hours. If you have to blow your nose for some reason, blow very gently. 
Tips for Treating Nosebleeds 
  • Distinguish between anterior (in the front) and posterior (in the back) nosebleeds. The latter one is the result of some serious problem and in this case, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • One of the main causes of nose bleeds in children is a wound caused by their fingernail, while they are busy poking their finger inside the nose. Make sure to have your child’s nails clipped at all times.
  • For sometime after the nosebleed stops, do not lift heavy objects or engage in other strenuous activities. It might result in nose bleeding again.
  • Never ever block your nose with cotton, tissues or gauze, if it starts bleeding. It will only make the problem worse.
  • If the nose bleeding continues for more than 20 minutes, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

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