The skin is the first indicator of age. Maybe because the skin bears all the brunt and vagaries, both from inside the body and also from the outside. However, since the lifestyle nowadays has become more hectic and the pollution levels at an all time high coupled with a diet that is rich in fats and grease, the skin is constantly under attack. The skin responds by getting wrinkled, becoming leathery, and more importantly displaying the symptoms of age. And the skin also develops another fight response. It stops waiting for the body and mind to get old. The skin ages faster. So, now it has become more common to find men and women who are only in their 20’s and 30’s but with skin that would more likely complement a fifty year old. The skin also becomes weak and so becomes the target of infections and other diseases. This can only be countered by knowing how to prevent the skin from aging. This will help you to keep the skin healthy and radiant. Read below to know how you can do so.

Image: cL0d@flickr