Aging comes in the form of wrinkles and fine lines and ultimately leading to sagging skin . “Anyway, what makes people look youthful is the quality of their skin and I don't think you can change that.” - Nigella Lawson. How truly stated as the best thing you can do to your skin is take precautionary measures, as you cannot stop aging. Aging happens in every phase of one’s existence, and it shows the first signs on the skin. One should not be afraid of aging as it signifies wholesome and fuller lives and a natural occurrence. A lot of people all over the world tend to buy anti aging skin products everyday in the conviction to look young. There are advertisements about new skin care products, screaming at you in the print media, television, catalogues and magazines. They create hype and have a big impact on society. People seem to be obsessed with looking young and having a flawless skin irrespective of their age. Advertisements nourish this need of the society to look younger by providing them with skin care products. There is awareness of aging among people that comes from the media, medical advancements in skin care, and cosmetic surgery. It is an ever-growing struggle between the ongoing breakdown of your body cells and the ability to battle these forces by changing lifestyles and inculcating healthy habits. Though you cannot retain the same suppleness of the skin as you mature, but with some skin care tips you can prevent aging of skin. Read the article for help on anti aging skin care.

Image: david_shankbone@flickr
Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips
- You should know your skin type, whether it’s oily or dry and thick or sensitive. You can also take the help of your dermatologist to know your skin type. Hydrate your skin by drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin healthy and soft.
- One of the common causes of skin aging prematurely is lack of proper sleep and stress. Sleep is very important for the body to rejuvenate and to give a soft feel to your skin. You should sleep for at least 8 hours per day to keep your skin healthy and general health in good condition. Calm your stressed mind by listening to music, or doing things that you enjoy.
- Exposing your skin to ultraviolet rays can be harmful. You can use sunscreen lotions, wear long sleeves and pants, or minimize your time outside between the hours of 11 am to 3 pm, while the sun is at its hottest.
- When washing your skin, use gentle scrubs and avoid using soaps and detergents with strong chemicals. If you are using natural skin care products, try to use them in moderation. Rub your skin gently and rinse it often with water.
- Skin damages due to pollution and stress can be treated by using creams and moisturizing lotions. These help in hydrating skin and making it supple.
- To prevent premature aging, avoid using artificial tanning products. Do not use tanning pills, tanning make up, tanning beds, and sunlamps. Many cosmetic products contain color addictives and are harmful for the skin.
- You should reduce the intake of caffeine. Consuming excess amounts of coffee, tea or energy drinks can have harmful side effects on the skin and general health.
- Everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health, and one of the health effects of smoking is aging of the skin prematurely. Hence you should quit smoking to have a healthy and soft skin.
- As you grow old, the elasticity of the skin lessens and it results in sagging and wrinkles. You can prevent this to a certain extent by exercising regularly for at least 3-4 times a week. Exercise increases the blood flow to the skin and hence gives it a refreshing look. This will not only add vigor to your skin but will also keep you fit and healthy.
- A good nutritious and healthy diet is good for you skin and general health. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. A diet rich in vitamin E will keep your skin healthy and soft.