Overdose of Vitamin D can lead to serious health issues. Read on to know the signs and symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose.

Symptoms Of Vitamin D Overdose

Vitamin D is also known as ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ and belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. The body’s daily requirement of Vitamin D is met from its exposure to sunlight, which is also the primary source of the vitamin for us. This natural production is safe and doesn’t result in an overdose, because the production of the vitamin, from sunlight, is shut down as soon as the body’s requirement is met. Apart from sunlight, vitamin D can also be taken from other food sources, like egg, fish, mushroom, milk, cereals and supplements.
Vitamin D is important to maintain normal level of blood calcium and phosphorus, which further ensure proper growth of bones and teeth. However, the vitamin can prove to be toxic, if taken in excessive amounts and result in serious health issues. An overdose of vitamin D happens over a period of time. This is because, unlike most other essential nutrients we consume, the body does not excrete excess vitamin D. The toxicity, if checked on time, can be controlled by imposing some dietary restrictions.
Signs & Symptoms Of Vitamin D Overdose
In order to take remedial measures for vitamin D overdose, it is very necessary to get it diagnosed. In this context, the symptoms given in the following lines would prove to be very useful. As soon as you notice these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. 
  • The early signs of Vitamin D toxicity range from constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia to nausea, severe stomach pain and high fever.
  • Elevated levels of calcium in the blood, resulting from an increase in the absorption of calcium in the intestinal tract, might take place.
  • Calcification might also result from the overdose.It is the process in which abnormally large deposition of amounts of phosphate and calcium in soft tissue, such as the lungs, heart and kidneys, takes place. These deposits can cause irreversible organ malfunction as well.
  • Vitamin D overdose might result in urinary stone as well. In this process, hard stone masses lodge in the urinary tract, which makes excretion from the body difficult and painful. The stones are formed in the kidney. They may travel to other parts of the body and get stuck in the tubes.
  • Excessive dose of Vitamin D can lead to muscle weakness, muscle pain, muscle cramps, loss of muscle control and muscle stiffness.
  • Vitamin D overdose can lead to high blood pressure, heart rhythm irregularities and increased risk of heart disease
  • Heavy dose of Vitamin D can lead to numbness of nerves, temperature sensitivity, hearing impairment, sensations etc.
  • An overdose of vitamin D in pregnant women can lead to mental or physical retardation in babies.
  • Drowsiness, continuous headache, irregular heart beat, poor appetite, loss of weight, frequent urination (especially at night), deafness, loss of weight, excessive thirst, itching bone pain, bone loss, nervousness, irritability, excessive thirst, and dehydration form the other common signs of Vitamin D overdose.

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